chestm007 / linux_thermaltake_riing

Python driver and daemon to control thermaltake Riing fans and pumps
GNU General Public License v2.0
59 stars 25 forks source link

Result: exit-code #27

Open Midtones opened 5 years ago

Midtones commented 5 years ago

I tried to install your service I'm ended with following:

   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/linux-thermaltake-rgb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2019-07-09 03:08:14 CEST; 1s ago
  Process: 23205 ExecStart=/usr/bin/linux-thermaltake-rgb (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
 Main PID: 23205 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)

update! Now I got this:

   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/linux-thermaltake-rgb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-07-09 03:54:46 CEST; 183ms ago
 Main PID: 8967 ((take-rgb))
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 5529)
   Memory: 1.2M
   CGroup: /system.slice/linux-thermaltake-rgb.service
           └─8967 (take-rgb)

Jul 09 03:54:46 Doe systemd[1]: Started linux-thermaltake-rgb.service.
Jul 09 03:54:46 Doe systemd[8967]: linux-thermaltake-rgb.service: Failed to execute command: No such file or directory
Jul 09 03:54:46 Doe systemd[8967]: linux-thermaltake-rgb.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/bin/linux-thermaltake-rgb: No such file or directory
Jul 09 03:54:46 Doe systemd[1]: linux-thermaltake-rgb.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
Jul 09 03:54:46 Doe systemd[1]: linux-thermaltake-rgb.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

That's my config File path /etc/linux_thermaltake_rgb/config.yml

#  This default config file outlines most of the configuration
#   possible using this software, probably don't uncomment it all

  - unit: 1
    type: g3
      1: Riing Plus
      2: Riing Plus
      3: Riing Plus
      4: Riing Plus

#  - unit: 1
#    type: riingtrio
#    devices:
#      1: Riing Plus  # These are incorrectly specified as Riing Plus
#      2: Riing Plus  # there is nothing in the code that will break this
#      3: Riing Plus  # but we should not be doing confusing things like this
#                     # TODO: implement better fan naming schemes
  - unit: 2
    type: g3
      1: Riing Plus
      2: Riing Plus
      3: Riing Plus
      4: Floe Riing RGB
#      5: Pacific W4 Plus CPU Waterblock
#  - unit: 3
#    type: g3
#    devices:
#      1: Riing Plus
#      2: Riing Plus
#      3: Riing Plus
#      4: Pacific V-GTX 1080Ti Plus GPU Waterblock
#      5: Pacific PR22-D5 Plus
#  - unit: 4
#    type: g3
#    devices:
#      1: Riing Plus
#      2: Riing Plus
#      3: Riing Plus
#      4: Pacific V-GTX 1080Ti Plus GPU Waterblock
#      5: Lumi Plus LED Strip
#  - unit: 5
#    type: g3
#    devices:
#      1: Riing Plus
#      2: Riing Plus
#      3: Riing Plus
#      4: Riing Plus
#      5: Lumi Plus LED Strip

  model: locked_speed
  speed: 100

#  model: temp_target
#  target: 38
#  sensor_name: k10temp
#  multiplier: 5

#  model: curve
#  points:
#    - [0, 0]  # [temp(*C), speed(0-100%)]
#    - [50, 30]
#    - [70, 100]
#  sensor_name: k10temp

#  speed: normal

#  model: temperature
#  sensor_name: k10temp
#  cold: 30
#  target: 40
#  hot: 60
#  speed: extreme

#  model: alternating
#  odd_rgb:
#    r: 50
#    g: 0
#    b: 0
#  even_rgb:
#    r: 0
#    g: 50
#    b: 0

  model: full
  r: 100
  g: 0
  b: 0

# model: flow

# model: spectrum

#  model: ripple
#  r: 50
#  g: 0
#  b: 0

#  model: blink
#  r: 50
#  g: 0
#  b: 0

#  model: pulse
#  r: 50
#  g: 0
#  b: 0

Additional context Do you've any idea what I did wrong? I followed your install instruction exatly...

Python 3.7.3 [GCC 8.3.0] on linux Ubuntu Mainboard: Asus Rampage VI extreme Controller: I've got 2 controllers on win... the first unit has 4x Riing Plus and the second unit has the Floe Riing RGB 360 TT Premium Edition bundle.

hopefully you've any idea thanks in advance for your help

chestm007 commented 5 years ago

you'll have to change the ExecStart line for ubuntu to /usr/local/bin/linux-thermaltake-rgb i believe.

jbethke commented 4 years ago

you'll have to change the ExecStart line for ubuntu to /usr/local/bin/linux-thermaltake-rgb i believe.

FYI, I hit the same error on Fedora 30; same fix was effective.