I had been happily using Sidestep for some time, and loved the fact that it automatically triggered, but at some point I started to wonder whether it actually did what it advertised what was on the tin. I activated it, opened up whatismyip.com and imagine my surprise when it displayed my original IP address. So I started digging further.
I looked into the Proxy system settings, and the proxy was not enabled. I tried to enable it myself, but OS X (10.8 at the time) refused to activate it.
So I copy/pasted the ssh command from Sidestep and tried to connect manually. I then manually enabled the proxy system setting, and I found many instances of the following:
debug1: channel 2: free: direct-tcpip: listening port 9050 for 6-p-07-ash2.channel.facebook.com port 443, connect from port 54921, nchannels 4
debug1: Connection to port 9050 forwarding to socks port 0 requested.
debug1: channel 2: new [dynamic-tcpip]
channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed
After some more digging I found that the server I intended to use had set AllowTcpForwarding no in its config.
The "Test Connection" button in Sidestep meanwhile still happily reported that everything was working perfectly.
Could a test for this case please be added? Otherwise you are luring users into a false sense of security by displaying that traffic is rerouted over the tunnel, while in practice it is not.
I had been happily using Sidestep for some time, and loved the fact that it automatically triggered, but at some point I started to wonder whether it actually did what it advertised what was on the tin. I activated it, opened up whatismyip.com and imagine my surprise when it displayed my original IP address. So I started digging further. I looked into the Proxy system settings, and the proxy was not enabled. I tried to enable it myself, but OS X (10.8 at the time) refused to activate it. So I copy/pasted the ssh command from Sidestep and tried to connect manually. I then manually enabled the proxy system setting, and I found many instances of the following:
After some more digging I found that the server I intended to use had set
AllowTcpForwarding no
in its config.The "Test Connection" button in Sidestep meanwhile still happily reported that everything was working perfectly.
Could a test for this case please be added? Otherwise you are luring users into a false sense of security by displaying that traffic is rerouted over the tunnel, while in practice it is not.