chetanvaity / kaal

A web app which lets you create and share timelines.
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Missing migration for tags table ? #44

Closed letronje closed 11 years ago

letronje commented 11 years ago

Tried setting up the rails app locally. rake db:migrate bombed with the foll err msg:

rake db:migrate [13:17:02] == CreateBabels: migrating =================================================== -- create_table(:babels) -> 0.0658s -- add_index(:babels, :term) -> 0.1298s == CreateBabels: migrated (0.1957s) ==========================================

== AddIdToTags: migrating ==================================================== -- add_column(:tags, :id, :primary_key) rake aborted! An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

Mysql2::Error: Table 'kaal.tags' doesn't exist: ALTER TABLE tags ADD id int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY

chetanvaity commented 11 years ago

Migrations are a bit screwed up. Sorry.

Use "rake db:setup" instead of running migrations.