We call upload from multiple build machines for each release. Only one of those uploads contain a body. Any call to upload that doesn't include a body causes the body of the release to be overwritten with an empty string. Could you not write body if it's empty? For example:
case 22:
var data = {
owner: owner,
repo: repo,
release_id: release.id,
tag_name: tag,
name: name || tag,
draft: draft === undefined ? !!release.draft : false,
prerelease: prerelease === undefined ? !!release.prerelease : false
var body = (body === undefined ? release.body || '' : body || '');
if(body !== '')
data['body'] = body;
console.log('> updateRelease: release_id=' + release.id + ', tag_name=' + tag + ', name=' + (name || tag));
_context.next = 25;
return octokit.repos.updateRelease(data);
We call upload from multiple build machines for each release. Only one of those uploads contain a body. Any call to upload that doesn't include a body causes the body of the release to be overwritten with an empty string. Could you not write body if it's empty? For example: