chewing / chewing-editor

Cross platform chewing user phrase editor
GNU General Public License v2.0
30 stars 52 forks source link

Single bopomofo symbols being recorded when add new word #224

Closed you74674 closed 7 years ago

you74674 commented 7 years ago


input a word in add window input the bopomofo press OK, the word is added so far everything seems to be OK.

Debug: [chewingio.c:1861 chewing_userphrase_enumerate] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Total userphrase 0 ((null) :0)
Debug: 0 ((null) :0)
Debug: Add "非想天則" ( "ㄈㄟ ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄊㄧㄢ ㄗㄜˊ" ) ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1998 chewing_userphrase_add] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [userphrase-sql.c:179 LogUserPhrase] userphrase 非想天則, phone = 0x0830 0x1cdb 0x0cc8 0x261a , orig_freq = 1, max_freq = 1, user_freq = 2, recent_time = 12959 ((null) :0)
Debug: "非想天則 (ㄈㄟ ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄊㄧㄢ ㄗㄜˊ)" ((null) :0)

press refresh, suddenly all the things have been typed are also recored(include the bopomofo when input the pronuanciation, and the character when choosing)

Debug: [chewingio.c:1861 chewing_userphrase_enumerate] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: 則 ㄗㄜˊ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄈ ㄈ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄟ ㄟ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄒ ㄒ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄤ ㄤ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ˇ ˇ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄊ ㄊ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄧ ㄧ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄢ ㄢ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄗ ㄗ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ㄜ ㄜ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: ˊ ˊ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1938 chewing_userphrase_get] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Get userphrase: 非想天則 ㄈㄟ ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄊㄧㄢ ㄗㄜˊ ((null) :0)
Debug: [chewingio.c:1889 chewing_userphrase_has_next] API call:  ((null) :0)
Debug: Total userphrase 13 ((null) :0)
Debug: 13 ((null) :0)

I'm not sure it is designed or not, but I think the behavior is strange.

samwhelp commented 7 years ago

我的環境「Xubuntu 16.04 amd64」。

我使用的是「fcitx-chewing 0.2.2-1 (GitHub)」。

我以前有發現這個狀況,之前在看 #204 這篇討論時,測試「天將降大任於斯人也」時發現的。







you74674 commented 7 years ago

我大概也有猜是因為手動輸入的關係, 所以我有試過複製貼上發現並不會發生這個情形 不過還是有點覺得把注音紀錄進去好像怪怪的 本來想說可能跟頻率有關所以紀錄單詞好像也不完全不合理 但是連ˇˋˊ都記錄就有點怪怪的了

不小心按到close issue了...不過我想先開著

david50407 commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close this due to chewing/libchewing.