chewing / libchewing

libchewing - The intelligent phonetic input method library
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
356 stars 89 forks source link

deps: bump rust to 1.78 #572

Closed chenrui333 closed 1 month ago

chenrui333 commented 1 month ago

bump rust to the latest and greatest.

not sure how to deal with this line

kanru commented 1 month ago

The MSRV (minimum supported Rust version) policy is this: the current minimum Rust version supported by current pre-release version of Debian or Fedora.

Currently Debian unstable has 1.71.1 and is slowing catching up to the latest. Unless we need to use a feature only available in newer Rust releases we don't need to bump the MSRV.

chenrui333 commented 1 month ago

okay, make sense.