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GXM "pink line" problem #12

Closed chewitt closed 1 year ago

chewitt commented 1 year ago

Users report seeing a 1px pink line on GXM boards when when Kodi renders e.g. SD media at 23.976 content to devices that do not support that mode, resulting in Kodi using e.g. 1080p@60. This is often found with older TVs or monitors that often support only 1080@50/59.94/60 and not the lower fractional rates. The issue is not seen when Kodi uses EGL rendering (compositing the image before DRM output) which helps to narrow the problem to something in the DIRECT-TO-PLANE rendering path. The issue is likely to be in the DRM plane setup.

chewitt commented 1 year ago

From experimenting in meson_overlay.c this appears to work:

chewitt commented 1 year ago


chewitt commented 1 year ago

merged in drm-misc-fixes