chexxor / purescript-documentation-discussion

A place to organize the planning of improvements to the PureScript documentation.
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Ask others to share their experience on learning PureScript #31

Open JordanMartinez opened 5 years ago

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

One idea for generating more good data that might help even more than what we currently have: open an issue here that invites others to share how their learning experiences with PS have been and what's been the biggest pain points. Then, we link to this specific issue on PS' Reddit / Discourse / Slack places and non-PS Reddit subreddits / Twitter.

We could have the following snippet be something that people copy and paste into their comment and answer those questions there:

Share your experience on learning PureScript

Copy and paste the questions below and answer them:

> What is your background in programming languages?

> What drew you to PureScript initially?

> What resources did you use to learn it?

> What are the biggest pain points you experienced when learning PureScript?

> If you stuck with it, how long did it take you to solve your problem / feel confident or competent in the language? 

> If you gave up on the language, what made you decide to leave? What would make you reconsider the language again?


chexxor commented 5 years ago

Yeah, this is a great idea. I think it would be especially useful to post this to other programming language forums. I imagine communities of the following languages would have some people who have tried PureScript.

Ideas for non-PS communities to include as an audience: (Other ideas here:

Elm, ReasonML/BuckleScript, Haskell, TypeScript, Flow, ScalaJs, Fable, ClojureScript

chexxor commented 5 years ago

I think it's important to have the questions be well-considered. I haven't spent time to think of more ideas of questions, but I'd like to do that before the comment template is created. When do you think we should start this survey? I think sooner is better, so I think it can start whenever the questions have been considered by anyone who wishes to.

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

Well, we don't currently have much time to think through this. So, we should either prioritize this and define those questions or just go with what we have, knowing that it's still better than nothing.

I also don't want to give too many questions that lead to people not completing the survey.

Also, if this is a survey, should we use something like SurveyMonkey? Or just keep with the idea of using a GitHub issue we later grok?

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

Ideas for non-PS communities to include as an audience: (Other ideas here:

Wow... no wonder people hate web dev... That's a lot of languages.

chexxor commented 5 years ago

Let's prioritize it.

Following is what I think would be good questions.

The intended audience of this survey is people who were new to PureScript and wanted to learn more about it and how to use it.

The results of this survey will be used in a current effort to improve the PureScript introduction and documentation.

What is your background in programming languages?

What drew you to learn PureScript?

In your experience, what is the most effective method of learning a programming language?

What were your expectations of learning PureScript, and what resources did you use when learning?

What were the hardest or most frustrating parts of learning to use PureScript?

If you quit learning or using PureScript, what made you decide to leave?

What programming language on-boarding experience do you wish PureScript would be more like?

A question for you, @JordanMartinez: why ask about how long it took (to solve their problem or feel competent in PS)? I removed that one because I can't figure out how the answers to that one would help our cause.

JordanMartinez commented 5 years ago

The intended audience of this survey is people who were new to PureScript and wanted to learn more about it and how to use it.

The audience is not necessarily only for those who are new / want to learn it. They can answer some but not all of the questions below. If anything, this just shows that we really want to send out 3 separate surveys for each audience: New learners who haven't tried it yet; users who left after trying it; users who are still using it but can reflect back on their learning process

The results of this survey will be used in a current effort to improve the PureScript introduction and documentation.

Edit: I'd like to challenge this statement. See #39

Below is my understanding of the answers we are seeking that such questions might answer if we ask the right audience. I'll start with the question you removed:

How long did it take you to solve your problem / feel confident in PS?

What is your background in programming languages?

What drew you to learn PureScript?

In your experience, what is the most effective method of learning a programming language?

What were your expectations of learning PureScript, and what resources did you use when learning?

What were the hardest or most frustrating parts of learning to use PureScript?

If you quit learning or using PureScript, what made you decide to leave?

What programming language on-boarding experience do you wish PureScript would be more like?