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figure Elements #33

Closed chharvey closed 9 years ago

chharvey commented 9 years ago

Be sure to use figure Elements only for "self-contained content [that could be] referenced as a single unit."

Though it may be common to have illustrations in a document (frequently with a .Fig class), those illustrations are integral to the flow of the document and couldn't be referenced out of context. They shouldn't be figure elements. Maybe use p.Fig, or div.Fig if no other semantic Element is applicable.

chharvey commented 9 years ago


Disregard the previous definition.

The figure Element, while definitely self-contained, is permitted to be position-dependent in the document. From the W3C spec:

The element can thus be used to annotate illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc.

For a figure that may be removed from the context, it can be wrapped with an aside Element.

I am leaving this issue open as to keep this use consistent throughout the site. Check all "illustrations" in blog posts, style guides, etc., for consistent use.

chharvey commented 9 years ago

added new subclass .Fig.Text for a lined background image