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migrate some general wiki documents over to repo #51

Closed chharvey closed 9 years ago

chharvey commented 9 years ago

Some general writings not specific to the repo should be transferred to the main repo under /blog/.

Leave the repo-specific docs in the Wiki.

The migrated posts may be kept in Markdown format, though this is limiting in terms of using rich semantic elements and custom CSS and JS such as mathjax. Another thing to consider is that the link to the deployed markdown file (e.g. will give just plaintext. To see the file with GitHub-flavored styles, the link must point to the repo (e.g. Not only is this significantly longer, but the a must be external and needs to be changed throughout the site.

Which posts should be in HTML and which should be in Markdown? Or be consistent and convert all to HTML?

chharvey commented 9 years ago

Update: files have been migrated over and links have been updated, but Markdown-to-HTML conversion has not taken place. Merging into v3.10.0 for now, but leaving issue open and assigning Milestone 4.1 for that part.