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"status" of Elements #6

Closed chharvey closed 9 years ago

chharvey commented 10 years ago

Use the data-status custom attribute to indicate the status of an Element. Suggested values:

chharvey commented 10 years ago

See Document Status wiki page for formal specs.

chharvey commented 10 years ago

The [data-status] attribute is now used for statuses of documents or elements therein and the issue has been closed.

However to resolve the issue of "formalism" (for lack of better term) of elements, I am reopening the issue and assigning a new milestone. Currently the values on the table are "normative" and "informative", but more may be introduced. The definitions of these values can be found in the same Wiki page linked above (which is still a work in progress). Also currently I don't have a good name for the attribute, so on the Wiki page, I just used [data-*]. This obviously needs to be changed and implemented. Once done, this issue can be closed again.

chharvey commented 10 years ago


Add specifications on when the status of an Element is permitted to change.

E.g. when is a [data-status="draft"] able to become [data-status="complete"]?

More importantly, when is a document ready to become [data-status="released"]?

chharvey commented 10 years ago

three colors for status (draft, complete, released), all derived (triads) from the border accent color (greenish), rotated 120 each.

currently, three colors for the .hr-* Interfaces: head (heading 1 color, dark blue), brdr (border accent, greenish), and acnt (accent color, reddish).

consider using the same color theme for both. reuse colors!