chharvey / counterpoint

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Syntax & Semantics: Augmentation for Variable Reassignment #15

Open chharvey opened 4 years ago

chharvey commented 4 years ago

New assignment statements and update statements are syntactic sugar for special cases of reassignment.


Augment Assignment

In addition to =, new (binary) augment operators are added, as well as a few (unary) update operators. These new operators are only syntax sugar; they do not add new semantics. The examples below informally explain the formal semantics.

a  ^= b; % sugar for `a = a  ^ b;`
a  *= b; % sugar for `a = a  * b;`
a  /= b; % sugar for `a = a  / b;`
a  += b; % sugar for `a = a  + b;`
a  -= b; % sugar for `a = a  - b;`
a &&= b; % sugar for `a = a && b;`
a !&= b; % sugar for `a = a !& b;`
a ||= b; % sugar for `a = a || b;`
a !|= b; % sugar for `a = a !| b;`

a++; % sugar for `a += 1;`
a--; % sugar for `a -= 1;`
a**; % sugar for `a *= 2;`
a//; % sugar for `a /= 2;`

Note on runtime short-circuiting: Because the boolean expressions x || y, x !| y, x && y, and x !& y short-circuit (see #22), the boolean augment operators ||=, !|=, &&=, and !&= short-circuit in the same way. For example, if a is “truthy” and ‹b› is some procedure (such as a function call), then the statement a ||= ‹b›; will not execute ‹b›.

However, unlike some languages, the reassignment is never short-circuited and will always occur. Thus in the case of a ||= ‹b›;, if a is “truthy”, then a will be reassigned to the value of a. This is consistent with operations such as x += 0; where x is still reassigned to the value of x. The reassignment should only negligibly impact performance.


Using the symbol $ instead of an assigned expression is equivalent to repeating the assignee.

a = $; % sugar for `a = a;`

This isn’t particularly useful on its own, but it can be used with augment operators.

a  ^= $; % sugar for `a  ^= a;`
a  *= $; % sugar for `a  *= a;`
a  /= $; % sugar for `a  /= a;`
a  += $; % sugar for `a  += a;`
a  -= $; % sugar for `a  -= a;`
a &&= $; % sugar for `a &&= a;`
a !&= $; % sugar for `a !&= a;`
a ||= $; % sugar for `a ||= a;`
a !|= $; % sugar for `a !|= a;`


Lexical Grammar

Punctuator :::=
+   // constant
+       | "$"
    // statement
+       | "^="  | "*="  | "/="  | "+="  | "-=" |
+       | "&&=" | "!&=" | "||=" | "!|="
+       | "++"  | "--"  | "**"  | "//"

Syntactic Grammar

+AugmentOperator ::= "^="  | "*="  | "/=" | "+=" | "-=" | "&&=" | "||=";
+AugmentNegate   ::= "!&=" | "!|=";
+UpdateOperator  ::= "++"  | "--"  | "**" | "//";

-   ::= Assignee "=" Expression ";"
+   ::= Assignee (("=" | AugmentOperator | AugmentNegate) ("$" | Expression) | UpdateOperator) ";"


+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee "=" "$") -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+   );
+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee AugmentOperator "$") -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=Decorate(AugmentOperator)]
+           Decorate(Assignee)
+           Decorate(Assignee)
+       )
+   );
+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee AugmentNegate "$") -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=NOT]
+           (SemanticOperation[operator=Decorate(AugmentNegate)]
+               Decorate(Assignee)
+               Decorate(Assignee)
+           )
+       )
+   );
Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee "=" Expression) -> SemanticAssignment
    := (SemanticAssignment
+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee AugmentOperator Expression) -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=Decorate(AugmentOperator)]
+           Decorate(Assignee)
+           Decorate(Expression)
+       )
+   );
+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee AugmentNegate Expression) -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=NOT]
+           (SemanticOperation[operator=Decorate(AugmentNegate)]
+               Decorate(Assignee)
+               Decorate(Expression)
+           )
+       )
+   );
+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee UpdateOperator) -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=Decorate(UpdateOperator)]
+           Decorate(Assignee)
+           (SemanticConstant[value=DefaultOperand(UpdateOperator)])
+       )
+   );

+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "^=")  -> Operator := EXP;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "*=")  -> Operator := MUL;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "/=")  -> Operator := DIV;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "+=")  -> Operator := ADD;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "-=")  -> Operator := SUB;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "&&=") -> Operator := AND;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "||=") -> Operator := OR;
+Decorate(AugmentNegate   ::= "!&=") -> Operator := AND;
+Decorate(AugmentNegate   ::= "!|=") -> Operator := OR;

+Decorate(UpdateOperator ::= "++") -> Operator := ADD;
+Decorate(UpdateOperator ::= "--") -> Operator := SUB;
+Decorate(UpdateOperator ::= "**") -> Operator := MUL;
+Decorate(UpdateOperator ::= "//") -> Operator := DIV;

+DefaultOperand(UpdateOperator ::= "++") -> Integer := 1;
+DefaultOperand(UpdateOperator ::= "--") -> Integer := 1;
+DefaultOperand(UpdateOperator ::= "**") -> Integer := 2;
+DefaultOperand(UpdateOperator ::= "//") -> Integer := 2;
chharvey commented 3 years ago

Update: Only augmentation will be implemented. Punning will not be developed for variable reassignment. Further, the increment and related operators (++, --, **, //) will be removed.

a  ^= b; % sugar for `a = a  ^ b;`
a  *= b; % sugar for `a = a  * b;`
a  /= b; % sugar for `a = a  / b;`
a  += b; % sugar for `a = a  + b;`
a  -= b; % sugar for `a = a  - b;`
a &&= b; % sugar for `a = a && b;`
a !&= b; % sugar for `a = a !& b;`
a ||= b; % sugar for `a = a || b;`
a !|= b; % sugar for `a = a !| b;`

% no sugar for `a += 1;`
% no sugar for `a -= 1;`
% no sugar for `a *= 2;`
% no sugar for `a /= 2;`


This completely supercedes the previous.

Lexical Grammar

Punctuator :::=
    // statement
+       | "^="  | "*="  | "/="  | "+="  | "-="
+       | "&&=" | "!&=" | "||=" | "!|="

Syntactic Grammar

+AugmentOperator ::= "^="  | "*="  | "/=" | "+=" | "-=" | "&&=" | "||=";
+AugmentNegate   ::= "!&=" | "!|=";

-   ::= Assignee   "="                                    Expression  ";"
+   ::= Assignee (("=" | AugmentOperator | AugmentNegate) Expression) ";"


Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee "=" Expression) -> SemanticAssignment
    := (SemanticAssignment
+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee AugmentOperator Expression) -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=Decorate(AugmentOperator)]
+           Decorate(Assignee)
+           Decorate(Expression)
+       )
+   );
+Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee AugmentNegate Expression) -> SemanticAssignment
+   := (SemanticAssignment
+       Decorate(Assignee)
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=NOT]
+           (SemanticOperation[operator=Decorate(AugmentNegate)]
+               Decorate(Assignee)
+               Decorate(Expression)
+           )
+       )
+   );

+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "^=")  -> Operator := EXP;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "*=")  -> Operator := MUL;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "/=")  -> Operator := DIV;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "+=")  -> Operator := ADD;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "-=")  -> Operator := SUB;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "&&=") -> Operator := AND;
+Decorate(AugmentOperator ::= "||=") -> Operator := OR;
+Decorate(AugmentNegate   ::= "!&=") -> Operator := AND;
+Decorate(AugmentNegate   ::= "!|=") -> Operator := OR;