chharvey / counterpoint

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Switch Expressions #39

Open chharvey opened 4 years ago

chharvey commented 4 years ago

Switch Expressions test the equality (==) of an operand and return a consequent based on a matching case. It’s similar to a typical switch statement in other programming languages, except it’s an declarative expression (with a type and a value) rather than an imperative statement. Another difference is the “switch value” (the value tested in each case) may be omitted and is true by default.


switch 42 {
    case 24       -> 'a'
    case 10.5 * 4 -> 'b'
    case 10.5, 4  -> 'c'
} default null;


(1 is highest)
Operator Name Arity Grouping Symbols
11 Switch n-ary infix n/a switch ? { (case # -> …)* } default …

Introducing the switch expression, which short-circuits based on a condition. Specifically, the test is a comparison (via defined equality ==) of a given value with different options. Each case contains an antecedent and a consequent. The result of the switch expression is the consequent that corresponds to the matched antecedent.

switch value {
    case option1 -> result1
    case option2 -> result2
    case option3 -> result3
} default result4;

If value == option1, the expression produces result1. If value == option2, then result2 is produced, and so on. If the value doesn’t equal any option, then result4 (the default) is produced. The expression short-circuits, so it doesn’t evaluate any options or results after the first match. For example, if result2 is produced, then option3, result3, and result4 aren’t evaluated.

The value is optional. If omitted, it is assumed true by default.

switch {
    case items.count <=   0 -> 'none'          % tests each case against `true`
    case items.count <=   6 -> 'a few'
    case items.count <=  36 -> 'a fair amount'
    case items.count <= 216 -> 'a lot'
} default 'a great amount';

Cases may have multiple comma-separated antecedents.

switch value {
    case 10     -> result1
    case 21, 22 -> a_lot_of_code_for_result2
    case 31, 32 -> even_more_code_for_result3
} default result4;

equivalent to:

if value == 10                then result1                    else
if value == 21 || value == 22 then a_lot_of_code_for_result2  else
if value == 31 || value == 32 then even_more_code_for_result3 else

Switch expressions may have 0 cases; if so, the default is automatically produced. The default is required for all switch expressions.

switch 42 {} default 2.4; %== 2.4

Switch expressions with 0 cases short-circuit: the switch value (if provided) is not evaluated, and in fact is not even compiled. For example, if it’s a function call, then it won’t be performed.

Specfication Changes

Lexical Grammar

Keyword :::=
    // operator
+       | "switch"
+       | "case"
+       | "default"

Syntactic Grammar

Property    ::=        Word        "="  Expression;
-Case       ::=        Expression  "->" Expression;
+CaseMap    ::=        Expression  "->" Expression;
+CaseSwitch ::= "case" Expression# "->" Expression;

-MapLiteral ::= "{" ","? Case#    ","? "}";
+MapLiteral ::= "{" ","? CaseMap# ","? "}";

+   ::= "switch" Expression? "{" CaseSwitch* "}" "default" Expression;

Expression ::=
    | ExpressionDisjunctive
    | ExpressionConditional
+   | ExpressionSwitch

Semantic Schema

    ::= SemanticExpression SemanticExpression;

+   ::= SemanticExpression+ SemanticExpression;

+SemanticOperation[operator: SWITCH]
+   ::= SemanticExpression? SemanticCaseSwitch* SemanticExpression;


-Decorate(Case    ::= Expression "->" Expression) -> SemanticCase
+Decorate(CaseMap ::= Expression "->" Expression) -> SemanticCaseMap
-   := (SemanticCase
+   := (SemanticCaseMap

+Decorate(CaseSwitch ::= "case" Expression__0# "->" Expression__1) -> SemanticCaseSwitch
+   := (SemanticCaseSwitch
+       ...ParseList(Expression__0, SemanticExpression)
+       Decorate(Expression__1)
+   );

+Decorate(ExpressionSwitch ::= "switch" "{" "}" "default" Expression) -> SemanticOperation
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=SWITCH]
+       Decorate(Expression)
+   );
+Decorate(ExpressionSwitch ::= "switch" Expression__0 "{" "}" "default" Expression__1) -> SemanticOperation
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=SWITCH]
+       Decorate(Expression__0)
+       Decorate(Expression__1)
+   );
+Decorate(ExpressionSwitch ::= "switch" "{" CaseSwitch+ "}" "default" Expression) -> SemanticOperation
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=SWITCH]
+       ...ParseList(CaseSwitch, SemanticCaseSwitch)
+       Decorate(Expression)
+   );
+Decorate(ExpressionSwitch ::= "switch" Expression__0 "{" CaseSwitch+ "}" "default" Expression__1) -> SemanticOperation
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=SWITCH]
+       Decorate(Expression__0)
+       ...ParseList(CaseSwitch, SemanticCaseSwitch)
+       Decorate(Expression__1)
+   );


Type TypeOf(SemanticOperation[operator=SWITCH] expr) :=
    1. *If* `expr.children.count` is 1:
        1. *Let* `i` be 0.
    2. *Else:*
        1. *Assert:* `expr.children.count` is greater than or equal to 2.
        2. *Let* `i` be 1.
    3. *Let* `union` be an empty sequence of `Type`s.
    4. *While* `i` is less than `expr.children.count - 1`:
        1. *Let* `type_consequent` be the result of performing `TypeOf(expr.children[i].children.-1)`.
        2. Push `type_consequent` to `union`.
        3. Increment `i`.
    5. *Let* `type_default` be the result of performing `TypeOf(expr.children.-1)`.
    6. Push `type_default` to `union`.
    7. *Return:* `TypeUnion(union)`.


Object! ValueOf(SemanticOperation[operator=SWITCH] expr) :=
    1. *If* `expr.children.count` is 1:
        1. *Note:* There are no cases, so the switch will not be assessed.
        2. *Let* `i` be 0.
    2. *Else:*
        1. *Assert:* `expr.children.count` is greater than or equal to 2.
        2. *If* `expr.children.0` is a `SemanticCaseSwitch`:
            1. *Let* `assess_switch` be `true`.
        3. *Else:*
            1. *Assert:* `expr.children.0` is a `SemanticExpression`.
            2. *If* `expr.children.count` is greater than 2:
                1. *Let* `assess_switch` be *Unwrap:* `ValueOf(expr.children.0)`.
        4. *Let* `i` be 1.
    3. *Let* `indeterminate` be *none*.
    4. *While* `i` is less than `expr.children.count - 1`:
        1. *Assert:* `assess_switch` is set.
        2. *Let* `case` be `expr.children[i]`.
        3. *Assert:* `case.children.count` is greater than or equal to 2.
        4. *Let* `j` be 0.
        5. *While* `j` is less than `case.children.count - 1`:
            1. *Let* `assess_option` be `ValueOf(case.children[j])`.
            2. *If* `assess_option` is an abrupt completion:
                1. *Set* `indeterminate` to `assess_option`.
                2. Increment `j`.
                3. *Continue.*
            3. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Equal(assess_switch, assess_option.value)`:
                1. *Return:* `ValueOf(case.children.-1)`.
            4. Increment `j`.
        6. Increment `i`.
    5. *If* `indeterminate` is not *none*:
        1. *Assert:* `indeterminate` is an abrupt completion.
        2. *Note:* At this point the algorithm was unable to assess at least one option for at least one case,
            and has not yet found a match,
            so it is possible, but not determinable, whether one of the cases match the switch.
        3. *Throw:* `indeterminate`.
    6. *Return:* `ValueOf(expr.children.-1)`.


Sequence<Instruction> BuildExpression(SemanticOperation[operator=SWITCH] expr) :=
    1. *Let* `sequence` be an empty sequence of `Instruction`s.
    2. *Let* `end` be an empty sequence of `Instruction`s.
    3. *If* `expr.children.count` is 1:
        1. *Note:* There are no cases, so the switch will not be evaluated.
        2. *Let* `instrs_switch` be ["NOOP"].
        3. *Let* `i` be 0.
    4. *Else:*
        1. *Assert:* `expr.children.count` is greater than or equal to 2.
        2. *If* `expr.children.0` is a `SemanticCase`:
            1. *Let* `instrs_switch` be `1`. // the stack value `1` represents the Counterpoint value `true`
        3. *Else:*
            1. *Assert:* `expr.children.0` is a `SemanticExpression`.
            2. *If* `expr.children.count` is greater than 2:
                1. *Let* `instrs_switch` be *UnwrapAffirm:* `Build(expr.children.0)`.
            3. *Else:*:
                1. *Note:* There are no cases, so the switch will not be evaluated.
                2. *Let* `instrs_switch` be ["NOOP"].
        4. *Let* `i` be 1.
    5. Push ...[
        "SET the local variable `operand0`.",
    ] to `sequence`.
    6. *While* `i` is less than `expr.children.count - 1`:
        1. *Let* `case` be `expr.children[i]`.
        2. *Assert:* `case.children.count` is greater than or equal to 2.
        3. *Let* `instrs_option` be *UnwrapAffirm:* `Build(case.children[0])`.
        4. Push ...[
            "GET the local variable `operand0`.",
        ] to `sequence`.
        5. *Let* `j` be 1.
        6. *While* `j` is less than `case.children.count - 1`:
            1. *Set* `instrs_option` to *UnwrapAffirm:* `Build(case.children[j])`.
            2. Push ...[
                "GET the local variable `operand0`.",
            ] to `sequence`.
            3. Increment `j`.
        7. *Let* `instrs_consequent` be *UnwrapAffirm:* `Build(case.children.-1)`.
        8. Push ...[
        ] to `sequence`.
        9. Push "END" to `end`.
        10. Increment `i`.
    7. *Let* `instrs_default` be UnwrapAffirm:* `Build(expr.children.-1)`.
    8. Push ...[
    ] to `sequence`.
    9. *Return:* `sequence`.
chharvey commented 4 years ago

comment deleted and moved to #40