chharvey / counterpoint

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Syntax & Semantics: Mutable Collection Literals #56

Closed chharvey closed 2 years ago

chharvey commented 3 years ago

Assignment of mutable data structures’ entries. Depends on #25.

let tuple: mutable [str, str] = ['hello', 'world'];
tuple.[3 - 2] = 'mundo';
tuple == ['hello', 'mundo']; % true

let record: mutable obj = [];
record.[[x= 5, y= 3]] = 2;
record == [
    [y= 3, x= 5] |-> 2,
]; % true

DRAFT: Using atoms (#59) as record keys:

type Font = [
    weight: int,
    size:   float,
    style:  .BOLD | .ITALIC | .OBLIQUE,
let font: mutable Font = [
    weight= 400,
    size=   12.0,
    style=  .ITALIC,
font.[.weight] = 700;
let sz: .size = .size;
font.[sz] = 18.5;
font.[if font.size < 24 then .style else .sTyLe] = .OBLIQUE;


Tuple and record types that are mutable are invariant as supertypes, meaning for any types ‹S› and ‹T›, if ‹S› is a subtype of ‹T›, then it is never the case that ‹G›<‹S›> is a subtype of ‹G›<​mutable ‹T›>. This invariance ensures type safety for mutating operations.

let sub: mutable [int, int] = [4, 2];
let `super`: mutable [int?, int?] = sub; %> TypeError

TypeError: Expression of type mutable [int, int] is not assignable to type mutable [int?, int?].

We get a type error, even though int is assignable to int?. Without this type safety, we’d be able to mutate `super` in a way that would otherwise be invalid for sub:

`super`.0 = null;

The type checker wouldn’t see a problem with this, but by setting `super`.0 = null we would be actually setting sub.0 = null at runtime (since `super` points to sub), and that’s invalid because sub cannot contain null.

However, immutable tuple and record types remain covariant as discussed in #53.

let sub: mutable [int, int] = [4, 2];
let `super`: [int?, int?] = sub; % no error

Type mutable [int, int] is a subtype of type [int?, int?], even if the former is mutable.


Syntactic Grammar

TypeUnarySymbol   ::= TypeUnit        | TypeUnarySymbol "?";
+TypeUnaryKeyword ::= TypeUnarySymbol | "mutable" TypeUnaryKeyword;

-TypeIntersection ::= (TypeIntersection "&")? TypeUnarySymbol;
+TypeIntersection ::= (TypeIntersection "&")? TypeUnaryKeyword;
TypeUnion         ::= (TypeUnion        "|")? TypeIntersection;

ExpressionCompound ::=
    | ExpressionUnit
    | ExpressionCompound PropertyAccess

Assignee ::=
+   | ExpressionCompound PropertyAccess

    ::= Assignee "=" Expression ";";

Semantic Schema

+SemanticTypeOperation[operator: MUTABLE]
+   ::= SemanticType;

    ::= SemanticExpression (SemanticIndex | SemanticKey | SemanticExpression);

-   ::=  SemanticVariable                   SemanticExpression;
+   ::= (SemanticVariable | SemanticAccess) SemanticExpression;


+Decorate(TypeUnaryKeyword ::= TypeUnarySymbol) -> SemanticType
+   := Decorate(TypeUnarySymbol);
+Decorate(TypeUnaryKeyword ::= "mutable" TypeUnaryKeyword) -> SemanticTypeOperation
+   := (SemanticTypeOperation[operator=MUTABLE]
+       Decorate(TypeUnaryKeyword)
+   );

-Decorate(TypeIntersection ::= TypeUnarySymbol) -> SemanticType
-   := Decorate(TypeUnarySymbol);
+Decorate(TypeIntersection ::= TypeUnaryKeyword) -> SemanticType
+   := Decorate(TypeUnaryKeyword);

Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionUnit) -> SemanticExpression
    := Decorate(ExpressionUnit);
Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionCompound PropertyAccess) -> SemanticAccess
    := (SemanticAccess

Decorate(Assignee ::= IDENTIFIER) -> SemanticVariable
    := (SemanticVariable[id=TokenWorth(IDENTIFIER)]);
+Decorate(Assignee ::= ExpressionCompound PropertyAccess) -> SemanticAccess
+   := (SemanticAccess
+       Decorate(ExpressionCompound)
+       Decorate(PropertyAccess)
+   );

Decorate(StatementAssignment ::= Assignee "=" Expression ";") -> SemanticAssignment
    := (SemanticAssignment
