chharvey / counterpoint

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Syntax: Function Definitions, Non-Void Functions #60

Open chharvey opened 3 years ago

chharvey commented 3 years ago

Non-void functions return values.


This issue adds the ability for functions to return values to their caller. It adds return types, return statements, and implicit returns.

func add(a: int, b: int): int {
%                         ^ return type
    return a + b;
    % ^ return statement
func subtract(a: int, b: int): int => a - b;
%                                  ^ implicit return

When a function returns, it completes execution and returns control back to the caller where the call occurs. When a function returns a value, it sends a value along with control back to the caller. The return type of a function is the static type of the returned value, and it tells the compiler the type of the call expression (v0.7.0). If a function returns a value, then its body, the statement block, must have a return statement, which contains the expression to evaluate and return. A function may have no body but an implicit return (using a fat arrow =>), which is the single expression that is returned. A function with an implicit return cannot contain any statements.

The above applies to function expressions as well.

let math: [
    add:      (a: int, b: int) => int,
    subtract: (x: int, y: int) => int,
    multiply: (int, int)       => int,
    %                             ^ return type
] = [
    add= (a: int, b: int): int {
        '''The sum will be {{ a + b }}.''';
        return a + b;
    subtract= (x as a: int, y as b: int): int => a - b,
    multiply= (x: int, y: int): int => x * y;

A function body may have no return statement, or it may have an empty return statement (return; with no expression), in which case the function “returns void” (it returns, but it does not return a value) and its return type is void. Functions with implicit returns cannot return void — they must return a value. Functions that do not return (do not complete execution) are not covered in this issue, nor are asynchronous functions.

func divide(a: int, b: int): void {
    '''I am not going to divide {{ a }} and {{ b }}.''';
    % automatically returns here since it’s the end of the function body
let exp: obj = (a: int, b: int): void {
    '''{{ a }} to the {{ b }} power is {{ a ^ b }}.''';
    return; % explicit empty return statement


Function return types are covariant. This means that when assigning a function g to a function type F, the return type of g must be assignable to the return type of F.

type BinaryOperator = (int | float, int | float) => int | float;
let subtract: BinaryOperator = (minuend: int | float, subtrahend: int | float): float => minuend - subtrahend;

When a caller calls an implementation of BinaryOperator, they should expect its return value to be assignable to int | float. Since the return type of subtract is narrower, it satisfies that requirement.



Keyword :::=
    // statement
+       | "return"


-   ::= "(" ","? ParameterType<?Named># ","? ")" "=>" "void";
+   ::= "(" ","? ParameterType<?Named># ","? ")" "=>" Type<+Function>;

-Type ::=
+Type<Function> ::=
    | TypeUnion
-   | TypeFunction<-Named, +Named>
+   | <Function+>TypeFunction<-Named, +Named>

-ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" "void"           Block<-Break>;
+ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> (Block<-Break> | "=>" Expression);
+DeclaredFunction   ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> (Block<-Break> | "=>" Expression ";");

+StatementReturn ::= "return" Expression? ";";

-Statement<Break> ::=
+Statement<Break, Return> ::=
    | Expression? ";"
    | StatementAssignment
    | StatementIf    <?Break>
    | StatementUnless<?Break>
    | StatementWhile
    | StatementUntil
    | StatementFor
    | <Break+>StatementBreak
    | <Break+>StatementContinue
+   | <Return+>StatementReturn;
    | Declaration

-   ::= "func" IDENTIFIER ExpressionFunction;
+   ::= "func" IDENTIFIER DeclaredFunction;

-Block<Break>         ::= "{" Statement<?Break>*          "}";
+Block<Break, Return> ::= "{" Statement<?Break><?Return>* "}";


-   ::= SemanticParameterType*;
+   ::= SemanticParameterType* SemanticType;

-   ::= SemanticParameter*               SemanticBlock;
+   ::= SemanticParameter* SemanticType (SemanticBlock | SemanticExpression);

+   ::= SemanticExpression?;


-Decorate(TypeFunction<Named> ::= "(" ","? ParameterType<?Named># ","? ")" "=>" "void")          -> SemanticTypeFunction
+Decorate(TypeFunction<Named> ::= "(" ","? ParameterType<?Named># ","? ")" "=>" Type<+Function>) -> SemanticTypeFunction
    := (SemanticTypeFunction
        ...ParseList(ParameterType<?Named>, SemanticParameterType)
+       Decorate(Type<+Function>)

-Decorate(Type            ::= TypeFunction<-Named, +Named>) -> SemanticTypeFunction
+Decorate(Type<+Function> ::= TypeFunction<-Named, +Named>) -> SemanticTypeFunction
    := Decorate(TypeFunction<-Named, +Named>);

-Decorate(ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" "void"          Block<-Break>) -> SemanticFunction
+Decorate(ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> Block<-Break>) -> SemanticFunction
    := (SemanticFunction
        ...ParseList(ParameterFunction, SemanticParameter)
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+Decorate(ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> "=>" Expression) -> SemanticFunction
+   := (SemanticFunction
+       ...ParseList(ParameterFunction, SemanticParameter)
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+       Decorate(Expression)
+   );

+Decorate(DeclaredFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> Block<-Break>) -> SemanticFunction
+   := (SemanticFunction
+       ...ParseList(ParameterFunction, SemanticParameter)
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+       Decorate(Block<-Break>)
+   );
+Decorate(DeclaredFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> "=>" Expression ";") -> SemanticFunction
+   := (SemanticFunction
+       ...ParseList(ParameterFunction, SemanticParameter)
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+       Decorate(Expression)
+   );

+Decorate(StatementReturn ::= "return" ";") -> SemanticReturn
+   := (SemanticReturn);
+Decorate(StatementReturn ::= "return" Expression ";") -> SemanticReturn
+   := (SemanticReturn Decorate(Expression));

+Decorate(Statement<+Return> ::= StatementReturn) -> SemanticReturn
+   := Decorate(StatementReturn);

-Decorate(DeclarationFunction ::= "func" IDENTIFIER ExpressionFunction) -> SemanticDeclarationFunction
+Decorate(DeclarationFunction ::= "func" IDENTIFIER DeclaredFunction)   -> SemanticDeclarationFunction
    := (SemanticDeclarationFunction
-       FunctionTypeOf(ExpressionFunction)
-       Decorate(ExpressionFunction)
+       FunctionTypeOf(DeclaredFunction)
+       Decorate(DeclaredFunction)

-Decorate(Block<Break>         ::= "{" Statement<?Break>+          "}") -> SemanticBlock
+Decorate(Block<Break, Return> ::= "{" Statement<?Break><?Return>+ "}") -> SemanticBlock
    := (SemanticBlock
-       ...ParseList(Statement<?Break>,          SemanticStatement)
+       ...ParseList(Statement<?Break><?Return>, SemanticStatement)


-FunctionTypeOf(ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ")" ":" "void"          Block<-Break>) -> SemanticTypeFunction
+FunctionTypeOf(ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ")" ":" Type<-Function> Block<-Break>) -> SemanticTypeFunction
    := (SemanticTypeFunction
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+FunctionTypeOf(ExpressionFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ")" ":" Type<-Function> "=>" Expression) -> SemanticTypeFunction
+   := (SemanticTypeFunction
+       ...FunctionTypeOf(ParameterFunction#)
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+   );

+FunctionTypeOf(DeclaredFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> Block<-Break>) -> SemanticTypeFunction
+   := (SemanticTypeFunction
+       ...FunctionTypeOf(ParameterFunction#)
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+   );
+FunctionTypeOf(DeclaredFunction ::= "(" ","? ParameterFunction# ","? ")" ":" Type<-Function> "=>" Expression ";") -> SemanticTypeFunction
+   := (SemanticTypeFunction
+       ...FunctionTypeOf(ParametersFunction)
+       Decorate(Type<-Function>)
+   );