chharvey / counterpoint

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Syntax: Range Types #62

Open chharvey opened 3 years ago

chharvey commented 3 years ago

Range types are types that represent ranges of integers.


Range types are a narrowing of the int type to a range of integers. Range types contain values in a given range of integers, e.g., an integer between 3 and 6.

If a and b are integer literals and a < b, then the syntax ‹a› .. ‹b› represents a type containing all the integers x such that a ≤ x < b. Rather, if a > b, then ‹a› .. ‹b› represents integers x such that a ≥ x > b. The range ‹a› .. ‹b› is called a half-closed range, because it includes a but excludes b. In standard mathematical notation, the half-closed range ‹a› .. ‹b› would be expressed as the interval [a, b) or (b, a] (depending on how a compares to b).

The syntax ‹a› ... ‹b› is called a closed range because it includes b: It represents all the integers x such that either a ≤ x ≤ b or a ≥ x ≥ b. In standard mathematical notation, the closed range ‹a› ... ‹b› would be expressed as the interval [a, b] or [b, a] (depending on how a compares to b).

Range types are implemented as a type union of integer unit types. For example, the range type 3 .. 6 represents the union 3 | 4 | 5. Decreasing ranges work similarly: The range type 6 .. 3 is 6 | 5 | 4. In general, notice that ‹a› .. ‹b› and ‹b› .. ‹a› are not equivalent.

The range 3 ... 6 represents the type union 3 .. 6 | 6 (that is, the union 3 | 4 | 5 | 6) and the range 6 ... 3 is 6 | 5 | 4 | 3. Because the type union operation is commutative and associative, types ‹a› ... ‹b› and ‹b› ... ‹a› are the same.

Range types are normal type expressions. Any range type is a subtype of int.

type T = 3 .. 6;
let i: T   = 5;
let j: T   = 9; %> TypeError
let k: int = i;

Some more examples:

type A =  3 ..   3; % `never`
type B =  3 ..   4; % `3`
type C =  4 ..   3; % `4`
type D =  3 ...  3; % `3`
type E =  3 ...  4; % `3 | 4`
type F =  4 ...  3; % `4 | 3`
type G = -1 ..   3; % `-1 | 0 | 1 | 2`
type H =  1 ..  -3; % `1 | 0 | -1 | -2 `

Overlapping ranges can be intersected and unioned:

type V = 3 .. 7 & 5 .. 9; % equivalent to `5 .. 7`
type W = 3 .. 7 | 5 .. 9; % equivalent to `3 .. 9`

Ranges are stronger than type operations. 2 & 3 .. 6 is interpreted as 2 & (3 .. 6).

The variables a and b mentioned above are only meta-variables; the syntax of ranges requires integer literals.

let a: int = 3;
let b: int = 6;
let c: a .. b = 5; %> ParseError

We can use integers with different bases and numeric separators, and we can even mix bases.

let c: \x1_0000 ... \x10_ffff = \x1_ffff; % an integer between 65_536 and 1_114_111, set to 131_071
let d: \o5      ... \zt       = 10;       % an integer between      5 and        20, set to      10

Note that there should be whitespace before the symbols .. and ... in ranges, as omitting the whitespace sometimes poses a lexical ambiguity. For example, a range written as 3...6 would be lexed not as 3 ... 6, but as 3. .. 6 (a parse error), since float tokens may omit their fractional part. (Technically, 3 ...6 is well-formed, but programmers might prefer 3 ... 6 aesthetically.) This whitespace may be omitted when the left-hand integer uses a radix, e.g. \d3...\d6 is well-formed, since \d3. cannot be lexed as a float.



Punctuator :::=
    // grouping
+       | ".." | "..."


TokenWorth(Punctuator  :::= ",")   -> RealNumber := \x04;
+TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "..")  -> RealNumber := \x05;
+TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "...") -> RealNumber := \x06;
-TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "|->") -> RealNumber := \x05;
+TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "|->") -> RealNumber := \x07;
# and so on…


+   ::= INTEGER (".." | "...") INTEGER;

TypeUnit ::=
    | PrimitiveLiteral
+   | RangeLiteral
    | TypeKeyword
    | "(" Type ")"


+Decorate(RangeLiteral ::= INTEGER__0 ".." INTEGER__1) -> SemanticType
+   := RangeHalfClosed(Integer(TokenWorth(INTEGER__0)), Integer(TokenWorth(INTEGER__1)));

+Decorate(RangeLiteral ::= INTEGER__0 "..." INTEGER__1) -> SemanticTypeOperation
+   := (SemanticTypeOperation[operator=OR]
+       RangeHalfClosed(Integer(TokenWorth(INTEGER__0)), Integer(TokenWorth(INTEGER__1)))
+       (SemanticTypeConstant[value=ToType(Integer(TokenWorth(INTEGER__1)))])
+   );

+Decorate(TypeUnit ::= RangeLiteral) -> SemanticType
+   := Decorate(RangeLiteral);


SemanticType RangeHalfClosed(Integer a, Integer b) :=
    1. *If* `b` equals `a`:
        1. *Return:* `(SemanticTypeConstant[value=Never])`.
    2. *If* `b` is less than `a`:
        1. *Return:* `RangeHalfClosed(b + 1, a + 1)`.
    3. *Assert:* `a` is less than `b`.
    4. *Return:* `(SemanticTypeOperation[operator=OR]
        RangeHalfClosed(a, b - 1)
        (SemanticTypeConstant[value=ToType(b - 1)])