chharvey / counterpoint

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Void Type #70

Closed chharvey closed 3 years ago

chharvey commented 3 years ago

Type void and nullish type operator change.


The void Type

Introducting a new type: Type void represents the absense of a value. void is unusual in that it doesn’t exactly represent a set of values like the other types do.

void is similar to never in that there are no values assignable to it, but there are major differences between the two types. Type never is the bottom type, and it represents an expression that never evaluates or a procedure that never executes. never is the “Identity element of Union”: T | never is exactly T. It’s also the “Absorption element of Intersection”: T & never is exactly never. The bottom type is unique in that it’s a subtype of every other type. On the other hand, void is a strict supertype of never. Unioning a type with void expressly produces a new type: T | void is almost always different from T. The intersection T & void is not particularly useful, but nevertheless it’s not the same as void. And void is not a subtype of any of the built-in types — it lives amongst the other primitive types such as int and bool.

void is also unlike null. Type null represents a placeholder value that has no prescribed semantics, but it’s still a value nonetheless. Type void has no values assignable to it whatsoever. It represents the completion of an evaluation, but the absence of a value.

Breaking: The Nullish Type Operator

The Nullish type operator is shorthand syntax for unioning a type with null. In previous versions, this postfix unary operator used the punctuator ! (U+0021 EXCLAMATION MARK). From now on, the punctuator ? (U+003F QUESTION MARK) is the designated symbol. The exclamation mark is now a semantic error, but is still reserved for a different type operation (see #69). This is a breaking change.

type IntOrNull = int?;       % int | null
type T         = int!;       % TypeError for now, but will be used later for something else
type IntOrVoid = int | void; % there’s no designated shorthand for this



Keyword :::=
    // literal
+       | "void"


TypeKeyword ::=
+   | "void"
    | "bool"
    | "int"
    | "float"
    | "str"
    | "obj"

TypeUnarySymbol ::=
    | TypeUnit
+   | TypeUnarySymbol "?"
    | TypeUnarySymbol "!"


+SemanticTypeOperation[operator: OREXCP]
+   ::= SemanticType;


+Decorate(TypeKeyword ::= "void") -> SemanticTypeConstant
+   := (SemanticTypeConstant[value=Void]);

+Decorate(TypeUnarySymbol ::= TypeUnarySymbol "?") -> SemanticTypeOperation
+   := (SemanticTypeOperation[operator=ORNULL]
+       Decorate(TypeUnarySymbol)
+   );
Decorate(TypeUnarySymbol ::= TypeUnarySymbol "!") -> SemanticTypeOperation
-   := (SemanticTypeOperation[operator=ORNULL]
+   := (SemanticTypeOperation[operator=OREXCP]
+       Decorate(TypeUnarySymbol)
+   );


Type Assess(SemanticTypeOperation[operator: ORNULL] oper) :=
    1. *Assert:* `oper.children.count` is 1.
    2. *Let* `child` be *UnwrapAffirm:* `Assess(oper.children.0)`.
    3. *Return:* `Union(child, Null)`.

+Type Assess(SemanticTypeOperation[operator: OREXCP] oper) :=
+   1. *Throw:* new TypeError "Operator not yet supported.".


chharvey commented 3 years ago


The Void type is considered “falsy”. If v is an expression of type void, then:

Note that this is only for the purposes of type-checking. Since no values can have type void, the above expressions will all result in compile-time errors.