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Optional Entries #71

Closed chharvey closed 3 years ago

chharvey commented 3 years ago

Optional entries in tuple and record types.


Optional Tuple Items

A tuple type may have optional items, meaning that a tuple assigned to it might or might not have those items.

let unfixed x: [str, int, ?:bool] = ["hello", 42];
x = ["hello", 42, true];

Notice the new syntax in the type signature: The token ?: indicates the item is optional. The symbol ?: may be read aloud as “maybe”. In a tuple type, all optional items must come after all required items; it’s a syntax error otherwise.

type X = [str, ?:bool, int]; %> ParseError

Optional Record Properties

A record type may have optional properties, meaning that a record assigned to it might or might not have those properties.

let unfixed y: [firstname: str, middlename?: str, lastname: str] = [
    firstname= "Martha",
    lastname=  "Dandridge",
y = [
    firstname=  "Martha",
    lastname=   "Washington",
    middlename= "Dandridge",

Notice the new syntax in the type signature: The token ?: indicates the property is optional. The symbol ?: may be read aloud as “maybe”. In a record type, optional properties may come before required properties.

Type Compatibility

If a tuple has optional items, its count (its length) is a range of integers rather than a single integer. For example, the count of type [str, int, ?:bool] is 2 | 3. When checking tuple subtypes, the minimum of the assigned (the sub) count must be at least equal to the minimum of the assignee (the super) count. E.g., a tuple of count 3 | 4 | 5 is assignble to a tuple of count 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 only because the minimum of the former (3) is greater than or equal to the minimum of the latter (2). The maximums (5 and 6 respectively) are not considered when checking subtypes. Tuple types are checked per entry as usual, ignoring optionality.

For record types, count is computed the same way (as a range of integers, by minimum). Further, optionality is considered. Required properties are assignable to their optional counterparts, but not the other way around. E.g., [a: str, b?: int, c: bool] is a subtype of [a?: str, b?: int, c: bool], but is not a subtype of [a?: str, b: int, c: bool].


A new type of runtime error, VoidError, is thrown when the runtime virtual machine attempts to access a value that does not exist. This happens when an expression with no value is operated on, given as an entry to a collection (such as a tuple or record), given as a function argument, or assigned to a variable. The standard code for this error is 3100 and the standard message is "Value is undefined.".

Voidish Entries

If an entry in a tuple or record is optional, its type is automatically unioned with void (#70). This prevents careless assignment at compile-time.

let x: [str, int, ?:bool] = ["hello", 42];
% typeof x.2 == "bool | void";

let x_2: bool = x.2; %> TypeError: `bool | void` not assignable to `bool`.

Updating the variable type satisfies the compiler, but could still result in a runtime VoidError.

let x_2: bool | void = x.2; % could throw a VoidError at runtime!

If there exists a value to which x.2 points, then the variable assignment is successful. However, in this case, a VoidError is thrown because x.2 doesn’t point to an actual value.

One way to work with optional properties safely and effectively is to use conditional checks before accessing them.

let x_2: bool = if x.count >= 3 then x.2 else false;

Since x.count is at least 3, the type-checker knows x.2 must be of type bool and not bool | void.

let y: [firstname: str, middlename?: str, lastname?: str] = [
    firstname= "Martha",
    lastname=  "Dandridge",
let y_middlename: str = if y.count >=2 then y.middlename else ""; % TypeError: `str | void` not assinable to `str`.

For optional record properties, checking the count isn’t ideal, since there’s no guarantee of the order of properties. Even if the count of y is at least 2, the compiler can’t be certain that y.middlename is set, so the type of that expression is still str | void.



Punctuator :::=
    // statement
-       | ";" | ":" | "="
+       | ";" | ":" | "?:" | "="


-   ::= Word ":" Type;

+EntryType<Named, Optional>
+   ::= <Named+>(Word . <Optional->":") <Optional+>"?:" Type;

+ItemsType ::=
+   |  EntryType<-Named><-Optional># ","?
+   | (EntryType<-Named><-Optional># ",")? EntryType<-Named><+Optional># ","?

+   ::= EntryType<+Named><-Optional, +Optional># ","?;

-TypeTupleLiteral  ::= "[" ","? Type#         ","? "]";
-TypeRecordLiteral ::= "[" ","? PropertyType# ","? "]";
+TypeTupleLiteral  ::= "[" ","? ItemsType          "]";
+TypeRecordLiteral ::= "[" ","? PropertiesType     "]";


+SemanticItemType[optional: Boolean]
+   ::= SemanticType;

+SemanticPropertyType[optional: Boolean]
    ::= SemanticKey SemanticType;

-   ::= SemanticType*;
+   ::= SemanticItemType*;


-Decorate(PropertyType ::= Word ":" Type) -> SemanticPropertyType
-   := (SemanticPropertyType
-       Decorate(Word)
-       Decorate(Type)
-   );

+Decorate(EntryType ::= Type) -> SemanticItemType
+   := (SemanticItemType[optional=false] Decorate(Type));
+Decorate(EntryType_Optional ::= "?:" Type) -> SemanticItemType
+   := (SemanticItemType[optional=true] Decorate(Type));
+Decorate(EntryType_Named ::= Word ":" Type) -> SemanticPropertyType
+   := (SemanticPropertyType[optional=false]
+       Decorate(Word)
+       Decorate(Type)
+   );
+Decorate(EntryType_Named_Optional ::= Word "?:" Type) -> SemanticPropertyType
+   := (SemanticPropertyType[optional=true]
+       Decorate(Word)
+       Decorate(Type)
+   );

+Decorate(ItemsType ::= EntryType# ","?) -> Sequence<SemanticItemType>
+   := ParseList(EntryType, SemanticItemType);
+Decorate(ItemsType ::= EntryType_Optional# ","?) -> Sequence<SemanticItemType>
+   := ParseList(EntryType_Optional, SemanticItemType);
+Decorate(ItemsType ::= EntryType# "," EntryType_Optional# ","?) -> Sequence<SemanticItemType>
+   := [
+       ...ParseList(EntryType,          SemanticItemType),
+       ...ParseList(EntryType_Optional, SemanticItemType),
+   ];

+Decorate(PropertiesType ::= EntryType_Named# ","?) -> Sequence<SemanticPropertyType>
+   := ParseList(EntryType_Named, SemanticPropertyType);
+Decorate(PropertiesType ::= EntryType_Named_Optional# ","?) -> Sequence<SemanticPropertyType>
+   := ParseList(EntryType_Named_Optional, SemanticPropertyType);

-Decorate(TypeTupleLiteral ::= "[" ","? TypeTupleLiteral__0__List ","? "]") -> SemanticTypeTuple
+Decorate(TypeTupleLiteral ::= "[" ","? ItemsType                      "]") -> SemanticTypeTuple
    := (SemanticTypeTuple
-       ...Decorate(TypeTupleLiteral__0__List)
+       ...Decorate(ItemsType)

-   Decorate(TypeTupleLiteral__0__List ::= Type) -> Sequence<SemanticType>
-       := [Decorate(Type)];
-   Decorate(TypeTupleLiteral__0__List ::= TypeTupleLiteral__0__List "," Type) -> Sequence<SemanticType>
-       := [
-           ...Decorate(TypeTupleLiteral__0__List),
-           Decorate(Type),
-       ];

-Decorate(TypeRecordLiteral ::= "[" ","? TypeRecordLiteral__0__List ","? "]") -> SemanticTypeRecord
+Decorate(TypeRecordLiteral ::= "[" ","? PropertiesType                  "]") -> SemanticTypeRecord
    := (SemanticTypeRecord
-       ...Decorate(TypeRecordLiteral__0__List)
+       ...Decorate(PropertiesType)

-   Decorate(TypeRecordLiteral__0__List ::= PropertyType) -> Sequence<SemanticPropertyType>
-       := [Decorate(PropertyType)];
-   Decorate(TypeRecordLiteral__0__List ::= TypeRecordLiteral__0__List "," PropertyType) -> Sequence<SemanticPropertyType>
-       := [
-           ...Decorate(TypeRecordLiteral__0__List),
-           Decorate(PropertyType),
-       ];


ParseList is an attribute grammar generator. It takes the parameters ParseNode and ASTNode, and returns a generic Decorate attribute.

+ParseList(ParseNode, ASTNode)(ParseNode__List ::= ParseNode) -> Sequence<ASTNode>
+   := [Decorate(ParseNode)];
+ParseList(ParseNode, ASTNode)(ParseNode__List ::= ParseNode__List ","? ParseNode) -> Sequence<ASTNode>
+   := [
+       ...Decorate(ParseNode__List),
+       Decorate(ParseNode),
+   ];


Type! TypeOfUnassessed(SemanticAccess access) :=
#   ...
    5. *If* `accessor` is a SemanticIndex:
        6. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Tuple)` *and* `i` is an index in `base_type`:
-           1. *Return:* the type accessed at index `i` in `base_type`.
+           1. *Let* `typedatum` be the item accessed at index `i` in `base_type`.
+           2. *Return:* *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(typedatum)`.
    6. *If* `accessor` is a SemanticKey:
        2. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Record)` *and* `id` is a key in `base_type`:
-           1. *Return:* the type accessed at key `id` in `base_type`.
+           1. *Let* `typedatum` be the item accessed at key `id` in `base_type`.
+           2. *Return:* *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(typedatum)`.
    7. *Assert:* `accessor` is a SemanticExpression.
    9. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Tuple)`:
        1. *If* `accessor_type` is a TypeConstant:
            2. *If* `i` is a instance of `Integer`:
                1. *If* `i` is an index in `base_type`:
-                   1. *Return:* the type accessed at index `i` in `base_type`.
+                   1. *Let* `typedatum` be the item accessed at index `i` in `base_type`.
+                   2. *Return:* *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(typedatum)`.

+Type MaybeOptional([Type type, Boolean optional] typedatum) :=
+   1. *Let* `type` be `typedatum.type`.
+   2. *If*: `typedatum.optional` is `true`:
+       1. *Return:* `Union(type, Void)`.
+   3. *Return:* `type`.


Type Assess(SemanticTypeTuple tupletype) :=
    1. *Let* `data` be a new Sequence.
    2. *For each* `itemtype` in `tupletype`:
        1. *Assert:* `itemtype.children.count` is 1.
-       2. *Let* `type` be *UnwrapAffirm:* `Assess(itemtype.children.0)`.
-       3. Push `type` to `data`.
+       2. *Let* `typedatum` be a new Structure [
+           type:     *UnwrapAffirm:* `Assess(itemtype.children.0)`,
+           optional: `itemtype.optional`,
+       ].
+       3. Push `typedatum` to `data`.
    3. *Return:* a subtype of `Tuple` whose items are `data`.

Type Assess(SemanticTypeRecord recordtype) :=
    1. *Let* `data` be a new Structure.
    2. *For each* `propertytype` in `recordtype`:
        1. *Assert:* `propertytype.children.count` is 2.
-       2. *Let* `type` be *UnwrapAffirm:* `Assess(propertytype.children.1)`.
-       3. Set the property `` on `data` to the value `type`.
+       2. *Let* `typedatum` be a new Structure [
+           type:     *UnwrapAffirm:* `Assess(propertytype.children.1)`,
+           optional: `propertytype.optional`,
+       ].
+       3. Set the property `` on `data` to the value `typedatum`.
    3. *Return:* a subtype of `Record` whose properties are `data`.


Boolean Subtype(Type a, Type b) :=
#   ...
    10. *If* `Equal(a, Tuple)` *and* `Equal(b, Tuple)`:
        1. *Let* `seq_a` be a Sequence whose items are exactly the items in `a`.
        2. *Let* `seq_b` be a Sequence whose items are exactly the items in `b`.
+       3. *Let* `seq_a_req` be a filtering of `seq_a` for each `ia` such that `ia.optional` is `false`.
+       4. *Let* `seq_b_req` be a filtering of `seq_b` for each `ib` such that `ib.optional` is `false`.
-       5. *If* `seq_a.count` is less than `seq_b.count`:
+       5. *If* `seq_a_req.count` is less than `seq_b_req.count`:
            1. *Return:* `false`.
        6. *For index* `i` in `seq_b`:
+           1. *If* `seq_b[i].optional` is `false`:
+               1. *Assert:* `seq_a[i]` is set *and* `seq_a[i].optional` is `false`.
-           2. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(seq_a[i], seq_b[i])` is `false`:
+           2. *If* `seq_a[i]` is set *and* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(seq_a[i].type, seq_b[i].type)` is `false`:
                1. *Return:* `false`.
        7. *Return:* `true`.
    11. *If* `Equal(a, Record)` *and* `Equal(b, Record)`:
        1. *Let* `struct_a` be a Structure whose properties are exactly the properties in `a`.
        2. *Let* `struct_b` be a Structure whose properties are exactly the properties in `b`.
+       3. *Let* `struct_a_req` be a filtering of `struct_a`’s values for each `va` such that `va.optional` is `false`.
+       4. *Let* `struct_b_req` be a filtering of `struct_b`’s values for each `vb` such that `vb.optional` is `false`.
-       5. *If* `struct_a.count` is less than `struct_b.count`:
+       5. *If* `struct_a_req.count` is less than `struct_b_req.count`:
            1. *Return:* `false`.
        6. *For key* `k` in `struct_b`:
-           1. *If* `struct_a[k]` is not set:
-               1. *Return:* `false`.
+           1. *If* `struct_b[k].optional` is `false`:
+               1. *If* `struct_a[k]` is not set *or* `struct_a[k].optional` is `true`:
+                   1. *Return:* `false`.
-           2. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(struct_a[k], struct_b[k])` is `false`:
+           2. *If* `struct_a[k]` is set *and* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(struct_a[k].type, struct_b[k].type)` is `false`:
                1. *Return:* `false`.
        7. *Return:* `true`.
