chharvey / counterpoint

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New Referential Identity Operators #72

Closed chharvey closed 3 years ago

chharvey commented 3 years ago

This issue changes the “referential identity” (“strict equality”) operator from is to === and its negation from isnt to !==.

The referential identity operator and its negation will become === and !== respectively. The tokens is and isnt will be kept allowed in the syntax, but as comparison operators rather than as equality operators. For now, they will result in a compile-time TypeError, but are reserved for later use (object ‘instanceof’ when we get classes).

As a review: Referential identity means two operands point to the exact same object (if they are references), or they are represented exactly the same bitwise (if they are primitives including strings). Thus -0.0 and 0.0 are not identical, nor are 42 and 42.0, nor are [42] and [42].

-0.0 === 0.0; %== false
-0.0 !== 0.0; %== true
42 === 42.0; %== false
42 !== 42.0; %== true

let o1: obj = [42, 420];

[42, 420] === [42, 420]; %== false
[42, 420] !== [42, 420]; %== true
o1 === [42, 420]; %== false
o1 !== [42, 420]; %== true
o1 === o1; %== true
o1 !== o1; %== false

let o2: obj = [a= 42, b= 420];

[a= 42, b= 420] === [a= 42, b= 420]; %== false
[a= 42, b= 420] !== [a= 42, b= 420]; %== true
o2 === [a= 42, b= 420]; %== false
o2 !== [a= 42, b= 420]; %== true
o2 === o2; %== true
o2 !== o2; %== false

As a review: Equality of objects depends on their type: null, boolean, and string values are equal iff they are identical; numeric primitives are equal iff they have the same mathematical value (-0.0 and 0.0 are equal, as are 42 and 42.0); and collection objects are equal iff they have equal entries by index or by key (e.g. [42] and [42]).



Punctuator :::=
    // binary
-       |                 "==" | "!="
+       | "===" | "!==" | "==" | "!="


-TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "==")  -> RealNumber := \x13;
-TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "!=")  -> RealNumber := \x14;
+TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "===") -> RealNumber := \x13;
+TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "!==") -> RealNumber := \x14;
+TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "==")  -> RealNumber := \x15;
+TokenWorth(Punctuator :::= "!=")  -> RealNumber := \x16;
# and so on


-   ::= (ExpressionComparative ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "!<" | "!>"))?                 ExpressionAdditive;
+   ::= (ExpressionComparative ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "!<" | "!>" | "is" | "isnt"))? ExpressionAdditive;

-   ::= (ExpressionEquality ("is" | "isnt" | "==" | "!="))? ExpressionComparative;
+   ::= (ExpressionEquality ("===" | "!==" | "==" | "!="))? ExpressionComparative;


-SemanticOperation[operator: IS | EQ]
+SemanticOperation[operator: IDEN | EQ]
    ::= SemanticExpression[type: Object] SemanticExpression[type: Object];


+Decorate(ExpressionComparative ::= ExpressionComparative "is" ExpressionAdditive) -> SemanticOperation
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=IS]
+       Decorate(ExpressionComparative)
+       Decorate(ExpressionAdditive)
+   );
+Decorate(ExpressionComparative ::= ExpressionComparative "isnt" ExpressionAdditive) -> SemanticOperation
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=NOT]
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=IS]
+           Decorate(ExpressionComparative)
+           Decorate(ExpressionAdditive)
+       )
+   );

-Decorate(ExpressionEquality ::= ExpressionEquality "is" ExpressionComparative) -> SemanticOperation
+Decorate(ExpressionEquality ::= ExpressionEquality "===" ExpressionComparative) -> SemanticOperation
-   := (SemanticOperation[operator=IS]
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=ID]
-Decorate(ExpressionEquality ::= ExpressionEquality "isnt" ExpressionComparative) -> SemanticOperation
+Decorate(ExpressionEquality ::= ExpressionEquality "!==" ExpressionComparative) -> SemanticOperation
    := (SemanticOperation[operator=NOT]
-       (SemanticOperation[operator=IS]
+       (SemanticOperation[operator=ID]


+Type! TypeOfUnassessedOperation(SemanticOperation[operator: IS] expr) :=
+   1. *Throw:* new TypeError "Operator not yet supported."

-Type! TypeOfUnassessedOperation(SemanticOperation[operator: IS | EQ] expr) :=
+Type! TypeOfUnassessedOperation(SemanticOperation[operator: ID | EQ] expr) :=
    1. *Assert:* `expr.children.count` is 2.
    2. *Let* `t0` be *Unwrap:* `TypeOf(expr.children.0)`.
    3. *Let* `t1` be *Unwrap:* `TypeOf(expr.children.1)`.
    4. *If* `t0` is a subtype of `Number` *and* `t1` is a subtype of `Number`:
        1. *If* `t0` is a subtype of `Integer` *or* `t1` is a subtype of `Integer`:
            1. *If* `t0` is a subtype of `Float` *or* `t1` is a subtype of `Float`:
                1. *If* `operator` is `IS`:
                    1. *Return:* `ToType(false)`.
        2. *Return:* `Boolean`.
    5. *If* `t0` and `t1` are disjoint:
        1. *Return:* `ToType(false)`.
    6. *Return:* `Boolean`.


+Boolean! Assess(SemanticOperation[operator: IS] expr) :=
+   1. *Throw:* new TypeError "Operator not yet supported."

-Boolean! Assess(SemanticOperation[operator: IS] expr) :=
+Boolean! Assess(SemanticOperation[operator: ID] expr) :=
    1. *Assert:* `expr.children.count` is 2.
    2. *Let* `operand0` be *Unwrap:* `Assess(expr.children.0)`.
    3. *Let* `operand1` be *Unwrap:* `Assess(expr.children.1)`.
    4. *Assert*: Neither `operand0` nor `operand1` is `void`.
    5. *Return:* `Identical(operand0, operand1)`.


+Sequence<Instruction> BuildExpression(SemanticOperation[operator: IS] expr) :=
+   1. *Throw:* new TypeError "Operator not yet supported."

-Sequence<Instruction> BuildExpression(SemanticOperation[operator: EXP | MUL | DIV | ADD | LT | GT | LE | GE | IS | EQ] expr) :=
+Sequence<Instruction> BuildExpression(SemanticOperation[operator: EXP | MUL | DIV | ADD | LT | GT | LE | GE | ID | EQ] expr) :=
    1. *Let* `builds` be *UnwrapAffirm:* `PrebuildSemanticOperationBinary(expr)`.
    2. *Return:* [