chharvey / counterpoint

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Optional Access #75

Closed chharvey closed 3 years ago

chharvey commented 3 years ago

The optional property access operator ?. does not throw an error if the property does not exist. Follows from #71.


Optional Access

The optional access operator ?. acts like index/property access, except that it doesn’t throw a VoidError if the binding object doesn’t have the accessed entry; instead it produces null. This operator works really nicely with optional entries and the nullish type operator (#70). Thus instead of using conditional checks to test whether a collection has an entry, we can simply use optional access as a fallback. The expression a?.b is generally equivalent to (pseudocode) try { produce a.b; } catch { produce null; };.

let x: [str, int, ?:bool] = ['hello', 42];
let x_2: bool? = x?.2;                     % Produce `x.2` if it exists, else produce `null`.

let y: [firstname: str, middlename?: str, lastname?: str] = [
    firstname= 'Martha',
    lastname=  'Dandridge',
let y_middlename: str? = y?.middlename; % Produce `y.middlename` if it exists, else produce `null`.

Note that if a?.b produces null, it either means that a.b does exist and is actually null, or that there is no value for the b optional property bound to a.

At compile-time, the type of an expression a?.b varies depending on the type A of a:

let unfixed n: null = null; let unfixed o: obj = null; n?.2; % type null, produces null o?.2; %> TypeError

For computed expression access on tuples, the same rules apply. For mappings, (let the type of `a` be `Mapping.<K, V>` and the type of `b` be a subtype of `K`), then, the type of `a.[b]` is `V` and the type of `a?.[b]` is always `V?`.

The optional access does not short-circuit. That is, if `a?.b` produces null, then `a?.b.c.d` is equivalent to `((a?.b).c).d`, that is, `(null.c).d`, and will result in a TypeError. In order to chain optional access safely, we need to use it down the line, i.e `a?.b?.c?.d`.

## Claim Access
The **claim access** operator `!.` is a compile-time operator that *claims* (makes a type-assertion) that the type of the accessed optional property is not `void`. Rather than producing `null` at runtime, like optional access does, this operator simply accesses the property as normal. However, at compile-time, it tells the type-checker, “no, we’re absolutely sure this property exists and it’s not an Exception.” (Exceptions are not covered in this version).
let x: [str, int, ?:bool] = ['hello', 42, false];
let x_2: bool = x!.2;                             % Claim `x.2` definitely exists and is not `void`

let y: [firstname: str, middlename?: str, lastname?: str] = [
    firstname=  'Martha',
    middlename= 'Dandridge',
    lastname=   'Washington',
let y_middlename: str = y!.middlename; % Claim `y.middlename` definitely exists and is not `void`.

However, we still need to be careful here, because this operator only bypasses the compiler, and does not affect runtime operation. If for example x.2 was not set, then that would result in a runtime VoidError. The claim access operator !. should only be used if you know what you’re doing.

The rules for compile-time type-checking are similar:



Punctuator :::=
    // access
+       | "?."
+       | "!."


-   ::=  "."                (INTEGER | Word | "[" Expression "]");
+   ::= ("." | "?." | "!.") (INTEGER | Word | "[" Expression "]");


+SemanticAccess[kind: NORMAL | OPTIONAL | CLAIM]
    ::= SemanticExpression (SemanticIndex | SemanticKey | SemanticExpression);


-Decorate(PropertyAccess ::=  "."                INTEGER) -> SemanticIndex
+Decorate(PropertyAccess ::= ("." | "?." | "!.") INTEGER) -> SemanticIndex
    := (SemanticIndex
-Decorate(PropertyAccess ::=  "."                Word) -> SemanticKey
+Decorate(PropertyAccess ::= ("." | "?." | "!.") Word) -> SemanticKey
    := Decorate(Word);
-Decorate(PropertyAccess ::=  "."                "[" Expression "]") -> SemanticExpression
+Decorate(PropertyAccess ::= ("." | "?." | "!.") "[" Expression "]") -> SemanticExpression
    := Decorate(Expression);

Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionUnit) -> SemanticExpression
    := Decorate(ExpressionUnit);
Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionCompound PropertyAccess) -> SemanticAccess
-   := (SemanticAccess
+   := (SemanticAccess[kind=AccessKind(PropertyAccess)]


+AccessKind(PropertyAccess ::= "." (INTEGER | Word | "[" Expression "]")) -> NORMAL
+   ::= NORMAL;
+AccessKind(PropertyAccess ::= "?." (INTEGER | Word | "[" Expression "]")) -> OPTIONAL
+   ::= OPTIONAL;
+AccessKind(PropertyAccess ::= "!." (INTEGER | Word | "[" Expression "]")) -> CLAIM
+   ::= CLAIM;


Type! TypeOfUnassessed(SemanticAccess access) :=
#   ...
    4. *Let* `base_type` be *Unwrap:* `CombineTuplesOrRecords(TypeOf(base))`.
+   5. *If* `access.kind` is `OPTIONAL`:
+       1. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Null)`:
+           1. *Return:* `base_type`.
+       2. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(Null, base_type)`:
+           1. *Set* `is_nullish` to `true`.
+           2. *Set* `base_type` to `Difference(base_type, Null)`.
    6. *If* `accessor` is a SemanticIndex:
#       ...
        6. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Tuple)` *and* `i` is an index in `base_type`:
            1. *Let* `entry` be the item accessed at index `i` in `base_type`.
-           2. *Return:* *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(entry)`.
+           2. *Set* `returned` to *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(access, entry)`.
        7. *Throw:* a new TypeError04 "Index {{ i }} does not exist on type {{ base_type }}.".
    7. *If* `accessor` is a SemanticKey:
        1. *Let* `id` be ``.
        2. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Record)` *and* `id` is a key in `base_type`:
            1. *Let* `entry` be the item accessed at key `id` in `base_type`.
-           2. *Return:* *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(entry)`.
+           2. *Set* `returned` to *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(access, entry)`.
        3. *Throw:* a new TypeError04 "Property {{ id }} does not exist on type {{ base_type }}.".
#   ...
    10. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Tuple)`:
        1. *If* `accessor_type` is a TypeConstant:
            1. *Let* `i` be `accessor_type.value`.
            2. *If* `i` is a instance of `Integer`:
                1. *If* `i` is an index in `base_type`:
                    1. *Let* `entry` be the item accessed at index `i` in `base_type`.
-                   2. *Return:* *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(entry)`.
+                   2. *Set* `returned` to *UnwrapAffirm:* `MaybeOptional(access, entry)`.
                2. *Throw:* a new TypeError04 "Index {{ i }} does not exist on type {{ base_type }}.".
        2. *Else If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(accessor_type, Integer)`:
-           1. *Return:* the union of all item types in `base_type`.
+           1. *Let* `type` be the union of all item types in `base_type`.
+           2. *If*: `access.kind` is `OPTIONAL`:
+               1. *Set* `returned` to `Union(type, Null)`.
+           3. *If*: `access.kind` is `CLAIM`:
+               1. *Set* `returned` to `Difference(type, Void)`.
+           4. *Set* `returned` to `type`.
        3. *Throw:* a new TypeError02 "Type {{ accessor_type }} is not a subtype of type {{ Integer }}.".
    11. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(base_type, Mapping)`:
#       ...
        3. *If* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Subtype(accessor_type, k)`:
-           1. *Return:* `v`.
+           1. *If*: `access.kind` is `OPTIONAL`:
+               1. *Set* `returned` to `Union(v, Null)`.
+           2. *If*: `access.kind` is `CLAIM`:
+               1. *Set* `returned` to `Difference(v, Void)`.
+           3. *Set* `returned` to `v`.
        4. *Throw:* a new TypeError02 "Type {{ accessor_type }} is not a subtype of type {{ k }}.".
+   12. *If* `returned` is set:
+       1. *If* `is_nullish` is `true`:
+           1. *Return:* `Union(returned, Null)`.
+       2. *Return*: `returned`.
    13. *Throw:* a new TypeError01.


Type MaybeOptional(SemanticAccess access, EntryTypeStructure entry) :=
    1. *Let* `type` be `entry.type`.
+   2. *If*: `access.kind` is `CLAIM`:
+       1. *Return:* `Difference(type, Void)`.
    3. *If*: `entry.optional` is `true`:
+       1. *If*: `access.kind` is `OPTIONAL`:
+           1. *Return:* `Union(type, Null)`.
        2. *Return:* `Union(type, Void)`.
    4. *Return:* `type`.


Object! Assess(SemanticAccess access) :=
    4. *Let* `base_value` be *Unwrap:* `Assess(base)`.
+   5. *If* `access.kind` is `OPTIONAL` *and* *UnwrapAffirm:* `Equal(base_value, null)`:
+       1. *Return:* `base_value`.
    6. *If* `accessor` is a SemanticIndex:
    12. *If* `accessor_value` is an antecedent in `base_value`:
+       3. *If*: `access.kind` is `OPTIONAL`:
+           1. *Return:* `null`.
    13. *Throw:* a new VoidError.
