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Generator Objects #80

Open chharvey opened 2 years ago

chharvey commented 2 years ago

Generator objects and the ++ (“next”) operator.


A Generator is an object that yields values one at a time. The motivation for Generators is that they are able to yield items one by one, without having to store them all in a collection (such as a list) at the same time. This can be very benficial in saving runtime memory space. However, some downsides are that Generators cannot backtrack (one cannot view a previous item without saving it), and their access time is O(n) rather than O(1).

Generator Properties

Generators are iteratables, a category that also includes tuples and lists. The built-in type for Generators is Generator<T>, where the generic parameter T represents the type of value yielded.

Generator objects have a count field, which indicates the number of values yielded so far. It is always a non-negative integer.

Generator objects also have a done field, which indicates whether the Generator has finished yielding all its specified values. If the Generator is finite, then after it yields all its specified values, it is done and will henceforth only yield null. Some Generators may be infinite though, which means they’ll never stop yielding and they’ll never be done. Note that, depending on how it’s written, a generator could yield the null value without being done.

The “next” operator, ++, is a postfix unary operator on Generator objects and gives their next yielded value. It has the same precedence as property access and function calls, higher than other unary operators. Thus ?g++ is parsed as ?(g++), and g++.prop.() is well-formed. This issue introduces a breaking change: Since ++ is a new token, expressions such as ++x will fail parsing and will need to be rewritten as +(+x). (However, given that the unary + operator is rarely used twice, the risk is acceptable.)


In this example, assume countdown is of type Generator.<int>.

let countdown: Generator.<int> = (%% Instantiate a Generator that yields `3`, then `2`, then `1`. %%);
countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 0

countdown++;     %== 3
countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 1

countdown++;     %== 2
countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 2

countdown++;     %== 1
countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 3

countdown++;     %== null
countdown.done;  %== true
countdown.count; %== 3

countdown++;     %== null
countdown.done;  %== true
countdown.count; %== 3

countdown++;     %== null
countdown.done;  %== true
countdown.count; %== 3

Notice that after a generator is done, it continues to yield null and doesn’t increment its count.

Generators may be iterated over in a for-of loop (#28), where the variable represents the yielded items. Notice we don’t need to use the ++ operator, as the for loop does this implicitly. The for loop stops iteration once the generator is done.

countdown; %: Generator.<int>
let results: mutable int[] = List.<int>([]);
let i: int = 0;
for n: int of countdown do {
    results.[i] = n;
    i += 1;
results; %== [3, 2, 1]

Constructing Generators

The built-in newGenerator<T> function constructs Generator.<T> objects. (This will be converted to a class in later versions.) newGenerator takes an executor function argument, which returns void, and has three parameters: a yielder, a returner, and a counter. In this example, we’re constructing a Generator.<str>.

newGenerator.<str>((yielder, returner, counter) {
    yielder;  %: (str) => void
    returner; %: () => void
    counter;  %: int

The executor function executes every time the Generator is iterated (every time “next” (++) is performed). In this executor function body, we specify which values to yield and when. To construct a Generator that yields 'three', then 'two', and then 'one', we might use the following implementation:

let countdown: Generator.<str> = newGenerator.<str>((yielder, returner, counter) {
    if counter == 0 then {
    } else if counter == 1 then {
    } else if counter == 2 then {
    } else {


Lexicon & Syntax

Punctuator :::=
+   | "++"

ExpressionCompound ::=
    | ExpressionUnit
-   | ExpressionCompound (PropertyAccess | FunctionCall)
+   | ExpressionCompound ("++" | PropertyAccess | FunctionCall)


+SemanticOperation[operator: NEXT]
+   ::= SemanticExpression[type: Generator];
SemanticOperation[operator: NOT | EMP]
    ::= SemanticExpression;
SemanticOperation[operator: NEG]
    ::= SemanticExpression[type: Number];

It is a semantic error if the NEXT operator is used on an expression that is not of type Generator.


Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionUnit) -> SemanticExpression
    := Decorate(ExpressionUnit);
+Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionCompound "++") -> SemanticOperation
+   := (SemanticOperation[operator=NEXT]
+       Decorate(ExpressionCompound)
+   );
Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionCompound PropertyAccess) -> SemanticAccess
    := (SemanticAccess[kind=AccessKind(PropertyAccess)]
Decorate(ExpressionCompound ::= ExpressionCompound FunctionCall) -> SemanticCall
    := (SemanticCall


type Generator<T> = [
    count:    int,
    done:     bool,
    executor: ((T) => void, () => void, int) => void,

func newGenerator<T>(executor: ((T) => void, () => void, int) => void): Generator.<T> => [
    count=    0,
    done=     false,
    executor= executor,

The following algorithm will be executed at runtime every time the “next” operator ++ is performed on a Generator instance.

Object Next(Generator generator) :=
    1. *Let* `v` be `null`.
    2. *Let* `yielder` be a new Closure defined by the following steps:
        1. Given a parameter `value`,
        2. Set `v` to `value`.
        3. Increment `generator.count` by 1.
    3. *Let* `returner` be a new Closure defined by the following steps:
        1. Set `generator.done` to `true`.
    4. *Perform* *Unwrap:* `CallFunction(generator.executor, [yielder, returner, generator.count])`.
    5. *Return:* `v`.