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Generator Functions #81

Open chharvey opened 2 years ago

chharvey commented 2 years ago

Generator function syntax and yield statements.


Generator Function Declarations

Generator functions are a syntax of functions that construct Generator objects. Rather than manually calling the newGenerator.<T>() function (see #80), we can write a function with a special syntax to construct a Generator and specify its yielded values.

Countdown example calling constructing function:

let countdown: Generator.<int> = newGenerator.<int>((yielder, returner, counter) {
    if counter == 0 then {
    } else if counter == 1 then {
    } else if counter == 2 then {
    } else {

Same example using generator function syntax:

func gen countdownFactory(): int {
    yield 3;
    yield 2;
    yield 1;
countdownFactory; %: gen () => int
let countdown: Generator.<int> = countdownFactory.();


countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 0

countdown++;     %== 3
countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 1

countdown++;     %== 2
countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 2

countdown++;     %== 1
countdown.done;  %== false
countdown.count; %== 3

countdown++;     %== null
countdown.done;  %== true
countdown.count; %== 3

Generator functions require the gen keyword in the header. Rather than return statements (which are not allowed), generator functions may contain yield statements, and they can have more than one. Each time “next” (++) is performed, the function resumes execution until the next yield statement (or until the function returns). The “return type” of the function is written as the type of yielded values. The function implicitly returns type Generator.<T>.

Type Signatures

The type of a generator function has syntax gen (‹params›) => ‹yield›, where ‹params› are the parameter types and ‹yield› is the type of value yielded. It’s equivalent to the type signature (‹params›) => Generator.<‹yield›>.

Generator Lambdas

Generator functions can be function expressions (“lambdas”). Generator lambdas are expressions and can be passed around as such.

let multOf: gen (int) => int = gen (base: int): int {
    for i from 1 to 0 do { % infinite loop
        yield i * base;

Generator lambdas cannot have implicit returns. It’s a syntax error to write gen () => 42 as an expression. (It is valid as a type signature though: a generator function that yields values of type 42.)


Lexicon & Syntax

Keyword :::=
+   | "gen"
+   | "yield"

-   ::=        "(" ","? ParametersType<-Named, +Named> ")" "=>" Type;
+   ::= "gen"? "(" ","? ParametersType<-Named, +Named> ")" "=>" Type;

-ExpressionFunction        ::=               "(" ","? ParametersFunction ","? ")" ":" Type         (StatementBlock<-Break><+Return><+Throw>         | "=>" Expression);
-DeclaredFunction          ::=               "(" ","? ParametersFunction ","? ")" ":" Type         (StatementBlock<-Break><+Return><+Throw>         | "=>" Expression ";");
+ExpressionFunction<Yield> ::= <Yield+>"gen" "(" ","? ParametersFunction ","? ")" ":" Type <Yield->(StatementBlock<-Break><+Return><+Throw><?Yield> | "=>" Expression)     <Yield+>StatementBlock<-Break><-Return><+Throw><?Yield>;
+DeclaredFunction<Yield>   ::=               "(" ","? ParametersFunction ","? ")" ":" Type <Yield->(StatementBlock<-Break><+Return><+Throw><?Yield> | "=>" Expression ";") <Yield+>StatementBlock<-Break><-Return><+Throw><?Yield>;

Expression ::=
    | ExpressionDisjunctive
    | ExpressionConditional
-   | ExpressionFunction
+   | ExpressionFunction<-Yield, +Yield>

StatementReturn ::= "return" Expression? ";";
StatementThrow  ::= "throw"  Expression? ";";
+StatementYield ::= "yield"  Expression  ";";

-Statement<Break, Return, Throw>        ::=
+Statement<Break, Return, Throw, Yield> ::=
    | Expression? ";"
    | StatementAssignment
    | StatementIf    <?Break>
    | StatementUnless<?Break>
    | StatementWhile
    | StatementUntil
    | StatementFor
    | <Break+>StatementBreak
    | <Break+>StatementContinue
    | <Return+>StatementReturn;
    | <Throw+>StatementThrow
+   | <Yield+>StatementYield
    | Declaration

-StatementBlock<Break, Return, Throw>        ::= "{" Statement<?Break><?Return><?Throw>*         "}";
+StatementBlock<Break, Return, Throw, Yield> ::= "{" Statement<?Break><?Return><?Throw><?Yield>* "}";

-DeclarationFunction        ::= "func"               IDENTIFIER DeclaredFunction;
+DeclarationFunction<Yield> ::= "func" <Yield+>"gen" IDENTIFIER DeclaredFunction<?Yield>;

Declaration ::=
    | DeclarationVariable
    | DeclarationType
-   | DeclarationFunction
+   | DeclarationFunction<-Yield, Yield>