chharvey / counterpoint

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Function Annotations #84

Open chharvey opened 2 years ago

chharvey commented 2 years ago

Function annotations specify a contract for functions’ type signatures.


A declared function may be specified to implement a type signature using the implements keyword. This provides a contract for a function to adhere to, for more robustness.


A function’s type signature is basically its type, with additional information such as parameter names and optionality. Since function declarations have types in their syntax, their function signatures are built in.

func add(x: float, y: float): float => x + y;
%         ^         ^       ^ these types form the type signature
add; %: (x: float, y: float) => float

Type signatures are useful in higher-order functions. For example, the type signature of a typical list folding (or “reducing”) function would include a function type as a parameter. We can use our add function above as a reducer of a list of floats.

foldList; %: <T>(list: List.<T>, reducer: (T, T) => T) => T
let sum: float = foldList.<float>([4.2, 40.2], add); %== 44.4

In fact, add could be used many times in dozens of higher-order functions like foldList. But what if the type signature of add changes? This could break our function call.

func add(x: float, y: float, z: float): float => x + y + z;
let sum: float = foldList.<float>([4.2, 40.2], add); %> TypeError

TypeError: (x: float, y: float, z: float) => float not assignable to (float, float) => float.

It’s a good thing this error is raised, because it’s warning us that the function type is not valid where it’s used. But the problem is, the error is reported wherever the function is used incorrectly; making one change to add could result in dozens of new compile-time errors, possibly far away from where the change even occurred. It would be nice to have a stricter form of function signature, to warn us that we shouldn’t change add in the first place.


This is where function annotations save the day. Functions can be annotated with the implements keyword, indicating their type signature must match the given type.

type BinaryOperatorFloat = (float, float) => float;
func add implements BinaryOperatorFloat (x: float, y: float): float => x + y;

Since the type signature of foldList.<float> expects a (float, float) => float, providing an implementation of BinaryOperatorFloat suffices.

let sum: float = foldList.<float>([4.2, 40.2], add); % ok

Now when we make a breaking change to add, we get only one new error, right at the source of that change.

func add implements BinaryOperatorFloat (x: float, y: float, z: float): float => x + y + z; %> TypeError
let sum: float = foldList.<float>([4.2, 40.2], add); % error is suppressed

TypeError: (x: float, y: float, z: float) => float not assignable to BinaryOperatorFloat.

In the function call on the second line, the error is suppressed because because add is still of type BinaryOperatorFloat according to the compiler. This is also the case wherever add is used in that manner. The only error is where add is trying to meet the implementation.

To improve things even more, we’re allowed to omit the types in the function declaration and let the type-checker do all the work. The parameter and return types of the function are now implicit, thanks to the annotation.

func add implements BinaryOperatorFloat (x, y) {
%                                         ^ no types needed!
    x; %: float
    y; %: float
    return x + y; %: float