chharvey / counterpoint

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Potential Access operator #94

Open chharvey opened 1 year ago

chharvey commented 1 year ago

Problem Statement

Given a variable of union type [value: int] | [message: str], we might want a way to access the .value property of the left side, if it exists, else the .message property of the right side, else null.

claim result: [value: int] | [message: str];
if result.value then { %> TypeError: Property `value` does not exist on type `[value: int] | [message: str]`
    print.(result.value); %> TypeError
} else {
    throw result.message; %> TypeError

Because .value is not a property on every component of the union [value: int] | [message: str], the compiler throws a TypeError for attempting to access result.value. The same is true for result.message. This is by design — we want the compiler to warn the developer for attempting to access a property that might not exist.

But we also get the same TypeError when attempting to use optional access.

claim result: [value: int] | [message: str];
if result?.value then { %> TypeError: Property `value` does not exist on type `[value: int] | [message: str]`
    print.(result?.value); %> TypeError
} else {
    throw result?.message; %> TypeError

Possible Workarounds

No workarounds. There is currently no way to check if a property exists on an object before accessing it.

Proposed Solution

The restriction that a property exist on every component of a union is relaxed for optional access: if the property exists on some union component, then its type is returned, but unioned with null.

claim result: [value: int] | [message: str];
result.value;  % regular access: still a TypeError
result?.value; % optional access: previously a TypeError, now type `int?`

Thus, the name of the “optional access” operator ?. should be changed to “potential access” — seeing as it may be used to access non-optional properties that potentially exist.

With the restriction lifted, the produced value of the operator is the value on the object if it exists, else null.

let result1: [value: int] | [message: str] = [value= 42];
let i: int? = result1?.value;   %== 42
let s: str? = result1?.message; %== `null`

let result2: [value: int] | [message: str] = [message= "error!"];
let i: int? = result2?.value;   %== `null`
let s: str? = result2?.message; %== "error!"

Of course, if none of the union components have the potentially-accessed property, a TypeError is still thrown.

claim result: [value: int] | [message: str];
result.val;  % regular access: still a TypeError
result?.val; % potential access: still a TypeError

If multiple components of the union have the same property name, their types are unioned.

claim result: [isInt: true, value: int] | [isFloat: true, value: float] | [message: str];
result.value; %> TypeError
let v: int? | float? = result?.value; % produces the value at `result.value` if it exists, else `null`

This proposed change is compatible with nullable object access (an object whose type is a union with null). Instead of throwing a TypeError, the property’s type is itself unioned with null.

claim result: [value: int]?;
result.value;  %> TypeError
result?.value; %: int?
result.val;    %> TypeError
result?.val;   %> TypeError

One special note: If the binding object is null at runtime and access is attempted by expression (with brackets), the expression is not evaluated. This is known as ”short-circuiting”.

function return_0(): int {
    print.("I am returning 0.");
    return 0;
let result: [int]? = null;
result?.[return_0.()]; % does not evaluate `return_0.()` (and does not execute the print statement)

This is akin to short-circuiting in logical operators: in false && return_0.(), the function return_0.() is not called.

Claim Access

The claim access operator may now be used for potential properties. As before, it subtracts null from the asserted type of the property.

claim result: [value: int] | [message: str];

result.value;  % regular access: still a TypeError
result?.value; % potential access: now type `int?`
result!.value; % claim access: previously a TypeError, now type `int` (subtracts `null` from potential access)

result.val;  % regular access: still a TypeError
result?.val; % potential access: still a TypeError
result!.val; % claim access: still a TypeError

let result1: [value: int] | [message: str] = [value= 42];
let i: int = result1!.value;   %== 42
let s: str = result1!.message; % type `str`, but `null` at runtime

let result2: [value: int] | [message: str] = [message= "error!"];
let i: int = result2!.value;   % type `int`, but `null` at runtime
let s: str = result2!.message; %== "error!"

Claim access only makes an assertion to the type-checker; it does not affect the compmiled output. In the example below, the last line evaluates return_0.() (and executes the print statement), but ultimately results in a runtime error, since result is null.

function return_0(): int {
    print.("I am returning 0.");
    return 0;
let result: [int] | void = null;
result!.[return_0.()]; % NullError at runtime


Is this feature a “breaking” change? In other words, if this feature is introduced, will users’ existing code break and need to be changed/updated as a result? (Select only one.)


Lifting the TypeError allows more expressive and concise code, and the ability to test whether potential properties exist in an object.


Possibility of not having a TypeError where needed.


The algorithm for type-checking is roughly as follows.

  1. If A is not a union type, then the type of a?.b is just the type of a.b, that is, (assuming a is of type A) type A.b if it exists, otherwise throw a TypeError. If a is just type null, then a?.b throws a TypeError.
  2. If A is a union type A1 | A2 | A3, then to get the type of a?.b: If at least one component of A has a .b property, map each component A‹n› of A to type A‹n›.b if it exists, else null, and then union those all. (This applies if any component is null as well.) Otherwise, throw a TypeError.

The algorithm for evaluation is basically the same as before, just replacing null with void.

  1. If a.b exists, then the value of a?.b at runtime is a.b;
  2. If a.b does not exist, then a?.b produces null.

The algorithm for expression bracket access adds the following short-circuit:

  1. If a is null, then a?.[‹expr›] does not evaluate ‹expr›, and then produces null.

Potential Function Calls

This section will not be developed; it is only a design discussion.

The potential function call fn?.(‹args›) can be thought of as the potential access of a property of fn — think of fn?.(‹args›) as something like fn?.call.

  1. If fn is callable and only callable, then the type of fn?.(‹args›) is the type of fn.(‹args›) (assuming the arguments are type-valid).
  2. If fn is not at all callable, including the case that fn is equal to null, then a TypeError is thrown.
  3. If fn is the union of a callable type and a non-callable type (including null), then the type of fn?.(‹args›) is the type of fn.(‹args›) (again, assuming valid arguments) unioned with null.

Runtime evaluation:

  1. If fn is callable, then fn?.(‹args›) produces the result of calling fn with the evaluated ‹args›.
  2. If fn is not callable, then fn?.(‹args›) does not evaluate ‹args› (short-circuiting), and then produces null.


One alternative solution would be to have a new operator that differs from optional access just for the union case, but we already have three types of access operators. Another solution could be to add an operator that tests keys and returns boolean, a la if .value in result then … else …, but use cases would be limited; the potential access operator is more versatile, e.g., print.(result?.value || result?.message).