chharvey / counterpoint

A robust programming language.
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Remove Void Type #96

Open chharvey opened 3 months ago

chharvey commented 3 months ago

Remove the Void type.


Previously, void was a type, but no value for it existed. That was a weird thing to do, since types are supposed to represent sets of values. void was a type with no value, but it was distinct from the never type. While the latter is truly the “empty” or “bottom” type — it contains no values, is accepted where every other type is accepted, and anything could be assumed about it — the same can not be said about the former. Though void contained no values, it was not accepted where other types were accepted (unless those types were unioned with void), and we could not assume anything about expressions of type void. Thus, the Counterpoint language had treated void as a “pseudo-type”, by making special exceptions for it.

This issue solves those discrepancies by simply removing the Void type and replacing it with the Null type in most situations. The keyword void will still be allowed in function signatures, but it does not represent an actual Type, which abides by all the rules and operations of type theory.

The default value of uninitialized variables/parameters and unassigned optional entries of tuples/records is now the value null.


BREAKING: Keyword void Is Not A Type

Void is no longer a type, and cannot be treated as types in the type system. The keyword void is still reserved, but may not be used.

type T = void;             %> SyntaxError % breaking change!
let a: float | void = 4.2; %> SyntaxError % breaking change!

type void = float | int; %> SyntaxError % still an error
let void: float = 4.2;   %> SyntaxError % still an error

Variable Declaration

Variables may now be declared without an excplicit initial value. Such variables are initialized to null (and thus are unioned with null).

let var greeting?: str;

This new syntax declares greeting as an unitialized variable, with an implicit initial value of null. When accessed, its type is str?, but it may only be assigned str values. (As a reminder, the type operation str? represents the union str | null.)

let var greeting?: str;
let greet_1: str  = greeting; %> TypeError: Expression of type `str | null` is not assignable to type `str`.
let greet_2: str? = greeting; % ok

set greeting = null;    %> TypeError: Expression of type `null` is not assignable to type `str`.
set greeting = "hello"; % ok

The read type of greeting is str?, but its write type is just str.

It’s a syntax error for an unassigned variable to be declared fixed — it requires the var modifier.

let greeting?: str; %> ParseError

There’s a subtle difference between the statements let var greeting: str? = "hello"; and let var greeting?: str;, besides the former being initialized. The former says that a value for greeting always exists, and whenever accessed or assigned, that value’s type is the union str | null. The latter says that a value for greeting might or might not exist, but if it does exist, its type is definitely str and not null. When assigned, it only accepts values of type str.

This patten is similar to optional tuple/record entries. The entry might not exist, so accessing it unions the type with null, but when assigned, only values of the declared type are assignable.

let greetings: [?: str] = [];
greetings.0;                  %: str?
set greetings.0 = null;       %> TypeError: Expression of type `null` is not assignable to type `str`.
set greetings.0 = "a string"; % ok

Issue #55 is updated to include uninitialized optional parameters.

function moveForward(var steps?: int): void {
    steps; %: int?
    set steps = null; %> TypeError
    set steps = 3;    % ok

Optional Entries

For static types (tuples, records), optional entries now have a default value of null. The value exists in the object at the time of construction. For dynamic types (lists, dicts), if no value exists in the object at the access point, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown at runtime at the time of access.

let tup: [int, float, ?: str] = [0, 1.1]; % contains three values when constructed: `0`, `1.1`, and `null`
let list: int[] = List.<int>([2, 3]);     % contains only two values when constructed: `2` and `3`

If a is an object with an optional property b, then regular access (a.b) is still typed as B?. At runtime this always produces the value of a.b, even if it’s null.

let s: str  = tup.2;   %> TypeError: `str | null` is not assignable to `str`
let s: str? = tup.2;   % ok, produces `null` at runtime

let i: int = list.[2]; % ok, but throws IndexOutOfBoundsException at runtime

Optional Access

Optional access (a?.b) remains basically the same. The value of a?.b at runtime is a.b if it exists, else null.

let tup: [int, float, ?: str] = [0, 1.1];
let list: int[] = List.<int>([2, 3]);

let tup1_r: float = tup.1; %== 1.1
let tup2_r: str?  = tup.2; % produces `null` at runtime

let tup1_o: float = tup?.1; % same as regular access
let tup2_o: str?  = tup?.2; % same as regular access

let list1_r: int = list.[1]; %== 3
let list2_r: int = list.[2]; % throws IndexOutOfBoundsException at runtime

let list1_o: int = list?.[1]; % same as regular access
let list2_o: int = list?.[2]; % same as regular access

As shown above, optional access is not very useful for objects of a single type, but we can still use it if the binding object could be null or, as introduced in #94, a union of collection types. Therefore it may be more accurate to change the name of the ?. operator to “potential access”.

let voidable_rec?: [prop: str];
voidable_rec.prop;  %> TypeError: Property `prop` does not exist on type `[prop: str] | null`.
voidable_rec?.prop; %== `null`

Claim Access

Claim access (a!.b) type remains as B, subtracting null. Useful for bypassing type errors.

let rec: [a: int, b?: str, c: float] = [a= 0, b= "hello", c= 1.1];
let y: str = rec.b;  %> TypeError: `str?` not assignable to `str`
let y: str = rec!.b; % ok
rec!.b;              %== "hello"
rec!.b.length;       %== 5

let tup: [int, float, ?: str] = [0, 1.1];
let y: str = tup.2;  %> TypeError: `str?` not assignable to `str`
let y: str = tup!.2; % ok, but unsafe
tup!.2;              %== `null`
tup!.2.length;       % error at runtime!


VoidError was used to represent attempts at accessing a value that does not exist. This is renamed to NullError, and is used for attempting to access properties on null.

let tup: [int, float, ?: str] = [0, 1.1];
tup!.2.length; % NullError at runtime