chharvey / extrajs-dom

Javascript extensions to DOM.
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idea: populating lists #6

Closed chharvey closed 6 years ago

chharvey commented 7 years ago


 * @summary Populate this element with list items containing data.
 * @description This method appends items to the end of this list.
 * The items are the result of rendering the given data.
 * In order to determine how the data is rendered, this `<ul>` element must have
 * a `<template>` child, which in turn has a single child that is an `<li>`.
 * This element may contain multiple `<template>` children, but this method uses only the first one.
 * This element may also already have any number of `<li>` children; they are not affected.
 * @param   {Array} data any array of things
 * @param   {function(DocumentFragment,*)} [generator=null] modifies the template’s contents with the given data
 * @throws  {ReferenceError} if this `<ul>` does not contain a `<template>`,
 *                           or if that `<template>` does not contain exactly 1 `<li>`.
 * @returns {HTMLUListElement} `this`
function populate(data, generator = null) {
  if (!this.querySelector('template')) {
    throw new ReferenceError('This list does not have a <template> descendant.')
  let documentfragment = this.querySelector('template').content
  if (documentfragment.childNodes.length !== 1 || !documentfragment.childNodes[0].matches('li')) {
    throw new ReferenceError ('The <template> must contain exactly 1 <li> element.')
  this.append( (d) {
    let frag = documentfragment.cloneNode(true)
    if (generator), frag, d)
    return (generator) ? frag : (d===null||d===undefined) ? d : d.toString()
  return this


<ul class="list">
    <li class="list-item">
      <a class="list-link" href="{{ url }}" itemprop="significantLink">{{ text }}</a>
let data = [
  { "text": "Career Connections", "url": "#0" },
  { "text": "Getting Licensed &amp; Certified", "url": "#0" },
  { "text": "Career resources", "url": "#0" },
  { "text": "Code of Ethics", "url": "#0" }
]'ul.list'), data, function (frag, d) {
  // frag is the cloned `template.content`;
  // d is an item in the data array
  frag.querySelector('.list-link').href        = d.url
  frag.querySelector('.list-link').textContent = d.text
chharvey commented 6 years ago

Updated with new xjs.HTMLTemplateElement methods (v4+):

function populate(data, generator = (f,d) => {}) {
  let template = this.querySelector('template')
  if (template===null) {
    throw new ReferenceError('This list does not have a <template> descendant.')
  if (template.content.children.length !== 1 || !template.content.children[0].matches('li')) {
    throw new ReferenceError ('The <template> must contain exactly 1 <li> element.')
  this.append( =>
    new xjs.HTMLTemplateElement(template)
  return this

usage remains same as above

Add this function as instance methods of xjs.HTMLOListElement and xjs.HTMLUListElement

chharvey commented 6 years ago

minor optimizations:

    // `this` is an xjs.HTMLElement
    let component = new xjs.HTMLTemplateElement(template).setRenderer(generator)
    return this.append(
      new xjs.DocumentFragment(jsdom.JSDOM.fragment(''))
        .append( => component.render(datum)))
  1. create the component once, instead of for each datum. then render it for each datum
  2. append all the <li> items to a new document fragment first, and then append that document fragment to the list; saves a lot of document rerendering
chharvey commented 6 years ago

extrajs-dom v4.1.0