chhylp123 / hifiasm

Hifiasm: a haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads
MIT License
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hifiasm performs very well on simulated data using Chr8 T2T haploid sequence (simulated as diploid with simulated Q30 HiFi reads) #108

Open jelber2 opened 3 years ago

jelber2 commented 3 years ago

Not really an issue, just showing some performance metrics of hifiasm with a simulated diploid assembly of the T2T chr8 sequence, with simulated PacBio HiFi reads. Used default hifiasm settings except one more round of error correction and -l3 purging.

# get chr8 T2T sequence

# convert masked bases to upper case
~/bin/seqtk/seqtk seq -U GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna.gz | \
gzip > GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.gz

# convert to diploid and add about 2% heterozygosity rate
~/bin/bbmap-38.90/ \
in=GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.gz \
ow=t \
vcf=GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.vcf.gz \
out=GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz \
ploidy=2 \
subrate=0.0192 \
indelrate=0.001 \
maxindel=20 \
nohomopolymers=t \
hetrate=1 2> GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.log.txt

# genome size
gunzip -c GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.fasta.gz | \
grep -v ">"|wc -m
# 146259671

# 2% heterozygosity is how many bases
# 2925193.42

# number of mutations added
gunzip -c  GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.vcf.gz| \
grep -v "^#"|wc -l
# 2942229
# ~2% het rate

Originally wrote Q30-Q40 when actually the next command makes Q20-Q30 reads

# simulate 15x per haplotype coverage of PacBio HiFi reads (Q20-Q30, 9000-12000 bases)
~/bin/bbmap-38.90/ \
ow=t seed=1 \
ref=GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz \
illuminanames=t addslash=t pacbio=t pbmin=0.001 pbmax=0.01 \
coverage=15 paired=f gaussianlength=t minlength=9000 midlength=10000 \
maxlength=12000 out=hifi-30x.fasta.gz

# assemble with
# hifiasm 0.15.1-r331
~/bin/hifiasm-new/hifiasm -r 4 -l3 -t 32 -o hifi-30x.fasta hifi-30x.fasta.gz

# look at haplotype assembly stats with gfatools Version: 0.4-r214-dirty and from BBMAP 38.90
~/bin/gfatools/gfatools gfa2fa hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap1.p_ctg.gfa |~/bin/bbmap-38.90/ in=stdin
#A  C   G   T   N   IUPAC   Other   GC  GC_stdev
#0.2985 0.2017  0.2020  0.2978  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.4037  0.0249

#Main genome scaffold total:            5
#Main genome contig total:              5
#Main genome scaffold sequence total:   146.263 MB
#Main genome contig sequence total:     146.263 MB      0.000% gap
#Main genome scaffold N/L50:            2/42.083 MB
#Main genome contig N/L50:              2/42.083 MB
#Main genome scaffold N/L90:            5/15.892 MB
#Main genome contig N/L90:              5/15.892 MB
#Max scaffold length:                   52.495 MB
#Max contig length:                     52.495 MB
#Number of scaffolds > 50 KB:           5
#% main genome in scaffolds > 50 KB:    100.00%

#Minimum    Number          Number          Total           Total           Scaffold
#Scaffold   of              of              Scaffold        Contig          Contig  
#Length     Scaffolds       Contigs         Length          Length          Coverage
#--------   --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------
#    All                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
#  25 KB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
#  50 KB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
# 100 KB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
# 250 KB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
# 500 KB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
#   1 MB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
# 2.5 MB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
#   5 MB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
#  10 MB                 5               5     146,263,292     146,263,292   100.00%
#  25 MB                 2               2      94,577,088      94,577,088   100.00%
#  50 MB                 1               1      52,494,515      52,494,515   100.00%

~/bin/gfatools/gfatools gfa2fa hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.gfa |~/bin/bbmap-38.90/ in=stdin
#A  C   G   T   N   IUPAC   Other   GC  GC_stdev
#0.2982 0.2016  0.2021  0.2981  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.4037  0.0000

#Main genome scaffold total:            1
#Main genome contig total:              1
#Main genome scaffold sequence total:   146.265 MB
#Main genome contig sequence total:     146.265 MB      0.000% gap
#Main genome scaffold N/L50:            1/146.265 MB
#Main genome contig N/L50:              1/146.265 MB
#Main genome scaffold N/L90:            1/146.265 MB
#Main genome contig N/L90:              1/146.265 MB
#Max scaffold length:                   146.265 MB
#Max contig length:                     146.265 MB
#Number of scaffolds > 50 KB:           1
#% main genome in scaffolds > 50 KB:    100.00%

#Minimum    Number          Number          Total           Total           Scaffold
#Scaffold   of              of              Scaffold        Contig          Contig  
#Length     Scaffolds       Contigs         Length          Length          Coverage
#--------   --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------
#    All                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
#  25 KB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
#  50 KB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
# 100 KB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
# 250 KB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
# 500 KB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
#   1 MB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
# 2.5 MB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
#   5 MB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
#  10 MB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
#  25 MB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
#  50 MB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%
# 100 MB                 1               1     146,265,156     146,265,156   100.00%

# get haplotype 0 from 38.90
~/bin/seqtk/seqtk seq -l0 GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz | \
head -n 2 > GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.hap0.fasta

# get haplotype 1 from 38.90
~/bin/seqtk/seqtk seq -l0 GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.fasta.gz | \
tail -n +3 > GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.hap1.fasta

# get hifiasm's haplotype2 into FASTA
~/bin/gfatools/gfatools gfa2fa hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.gfa \
> hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.defaults.but.r4.fa

# DipCall 0.2
# note had to remove line 100 from dipcall-aux.js
# see

dipcall.kit/run-dipcall hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.defaults.but.r4.fa \
hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.defaults.but.r4.fa \
GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.hap0.fasta \
GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.hap1.fasta \

# run DipCall
make -j 1 -f \
> 2>&1

# dipsum
dipcall.kit/k8 dipcall.kit/dipcall-aux2.js dipsum \
hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.defaults.but.r4.fa.dip.bed \

#Length of confident regions: 146265156
# Hom SNP: 29
# Hom INS: 32
# Hom DEL: 58
# Het SNP: 2804524
# Het INS: 67702
# Het DEL: 68184
# Het mixed: 3
#SNP heterozygosity: 0.019174
#Variant heterozygosity: 0.020103

# There should be 2942229 total_Het_variants (SNPs and indels).
# There are 2940413 dipcall_Het_variants, missing 1816 (total_het_variants-dipcall_Het_variants=1816).
# There are 119 Hom variants (errors in hifiasm assembly?).

# Phred quality score for missing Het variants = -10*LOG10(1816/146265156)=49.060
# Phred quality score for wrong? Hom variants = -10*LOG10(119/146265156)=60.896

added trio evaluation

# trio eval

# make random illumina reads for haplotype 0 (15x coverage) produced by
~/bin/bbmap-38.90/ build=2 ow=t \
ref=GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.hap0.fasta \
illuminanames=t addslash=t \
coverage=15 paired=t maxinsert=550 mininsert=450 \
maxlength=150 minlength=150 \
out1=hap0-1.fasta.gz out2=hap0-2.fasta.gz > hap0_reads_illumina.log 2>&1

# make random illumina reads for haplotype 1 (15x coverage) produced by
~/bin/bbmap-38.90/ build=3 ow=t \
ref=GCA_016894425.1_ASM1689442v1_genomic.fna_upper.diploid.hap1.fasta \
illuminanames=t addslash=t \
coverage=15 paired=t maxinsert=550 mininsert=450 \
maxlength=150 minlength=150 \
out1=hap1-1.fasta.gz out2=hap1-2.fasta.gz > hap1_reads_illumina.log 2>&1

# use yak 0.1-r62-dirty ( to count k-mers then trio eval
~/bin/yak/yak count -b37 -t10 -o hap0.yak <(zcat hap0-1.fasta.gz) <(zcat hap0-2.fasta.gz) \
> hap0.yak.log 2>&1
~/bin/yak/yak count -b37 -t10 -o hap1.yak <(zcat hap1-1.fasta.gz) <(zcat hap1-2.fasta.gz) \
> hap1.yak.log 2>&1

~/bin/yak/yak trioeval hap0.yak hap1.yak hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.defaults.but.r4.fa \
> hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.defaults.but.r4.fa.trioeval.txt 2>&1

# trioeval explanation
#S  seqName     #patKmer  #matKmer  #pat-pat  #pat-mat  #mat-pat  #mat-mat  seqLen
#F  seqName     type      startPos  endPos    count
#W  #switchErr  denominator  switchErrRate
#H  #hammingErr denominator  hammingErrRate
#N  #totPatKmer #totMatKmer  errRate

# important results of trio evaluation for hifiasm's haplotype 2 assembly
tail -n 4 hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap2.p_ctg.defaults.but.r4.fa.trioeval.txt
#S  h2tg000001l 2199141 176929  2081779 117361  117361  59568   146265156
#W  234722  2376069 0.098786
#H  176929  2376070 0.074463
#N  2199141 176929  0.074463

# gfa to FASTA for hifiasm's haplotype 1 assembly
~/bin/gfatools/gfatools gfa2fa hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap1.p_ctg.gfa \
> hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap1.p_ctg.fa

# trio eval for hifiasm's haplotype 1 assembly
~/bin/yak/yak trioeval hap0.yak hap1.yak hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap1.p_ctg.fa \
> hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap1.p_ctg.fa.trioeval.txt 2>&1

# important results of trio evaluation for hifiasm's haplotype 1 assembly
tail -n 8 hifi-30x.fasta.bp.hap1.p_ctg.fa.trioeval.txt
#S  h1tg000001l 63650   781590  21851   41799   41799   739790  52494515
#S  h1tg000002l 20233   242501  6833    13399   13399   229102  15892071
#S  h1tg000003l 51542   635567  17375   34167   34167   601399  42082573
#S  h1tg000004l 18771   246646  6209    12562   12562   234083  16812415
#S  h1tg000005l 23951   289614  8200    15751   15751   273862  18981718
#W  235356  2374060 0.099137
#H  178147  2374065 0.075039
#N  178147  2195918 0.075039
chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot. The results look great! By the way, hifiasm probably works better with odd rounds of correction.

jelber2 commented 3 years ago

You are welcome. I tried, r=3 and r=5, they just resulted in slightly more contigs than r=4.