Open bilibilij opened 3 years ago
If you scaffold hap1 and hap2 together, how does the result look like?
Thank you for your reply, I will have a try!
Hi, @chhylp123 I have scaffold hap1 and hap2 together using 3d-dna. The first is the initial plot of 0.hic and 0.assembly. The second is the plot that we have shifted the possible (to our previous knowledge) misaasembly to the right position. Which picture should be right?
It's weird. Is a part of your sample polyploidy?
Our sample is diploid of Populus genus. Our previous study shows that the genome is with about 40% repetitive sequences and 1.8% heterozygosity. And about 50% chromosomes encounter this kind of confusion. Do you recommend us to align the HIFI reads to this region using minimap to see which is right?
It would be good to check missassemblies by HiFi read alignment. From the Hi-C heatmap, it is hard to say.
Hi, @chhylp123 We have checked hifi reads support and collinearity between Populus trichocarpa which is assemblied by Pacbio CLR and is gold-standard in our genus. The blue arrows have pointed the region we have checked hifi reads support.
Hifi reads does not show a coverage breakpoint but there are some region covered by mult-mapped reads. Is it a misaasembly ?
Hi, We have assemblied a plant genome ( ~ 400M ) using typical command of HiC mode in hifiasm and then scaffolded the contigs of hap1 and hap2 seperately using 3D-DNA. In our previous knoledge, the region pointed in the blue line of the first picture was a misassembly and HIC reads support this region seems to put into the end of the chromosome like the second picture. Is it a misassembly Or some region that hic reads can't map to the genome uniquely?