chhylp123 / hifiasm

Hifiasm: a haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads
MIT License
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Hifiasm 0.13 does not produce an assembly. #66

Open haneenih7 opened 3 years ago

haneenih7 commented 3 years ago

I am running different assemblies using different numbers of SMRT cells with hifiasm v0.13 on ccs hifi reads (corrected reads in fastq). The sequences generated from homozygote diploid wheat I have 4 SMRT cells (fastq files with 3 passes), named A, B, C, D I ran successfully assembly with different fastq: B and C A, B, and C A, B, C, and D

However, for some reason that I don't know what I couldn't get an assembly with: The individual SMRT cells : B, C, or D alone A, B, and D B and D C and D

I get a weird long file that the k-mer histogram plot is not correct and does not stop

This an example of the log file from assembling A, B, and D

with this simple command for all cases: time hifiasm -o Monoc_cult_3SMRT -t 32 SMRT_A.CCS3.fastq SMRT_B.CCS3.fastq SMRT_C.CCS3.fastq

I have reviewed this issue In my case, it's already hifi reads (corrected reads with 3 passes) so it's not the same problem

lh3 commented 3 years ago

Your reads don't look like HiFi and I believe you have the same problem as #39.

chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

For diploid samples, a typical k-mer histogram likes ( image I agree with Heng that there is something wrong for your data. You can also run JellyFish to double check the histogram.

ASLeonard commented 3 years ago

The log file attached has a similar kmer distribution to the one I reported in #62. I don't know what is the common issue between this error and mine, as certainly using three cells should have high enough coverage.

Hopefully the data shared in #62 will be helpful in isolating what causes HiFi data to wrong.

haneenih7 commented 3 years ago

I am sure the reads I have are HiFi reads.

Assembly with 3 SMRT cell (A,B, and C) worked perfectly fine. logfile:

The kmer histogram doesn't look weird

chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

I see. Maybe I was wrong... May I ask what are the coverage of A, B, C and D?

haneenih7 commented 3 years ago

These are the reads stats:

SMRT cell name | SMRT_A | SMRT_B | SMRT_C | SMRT_D Mean read length | 14,728.9 | 14,773.4 | 14,748 | 14,604 Mean read quality | 30.3 | 30.0 | 30 | 30 Median read length | 14,301.0 | 14,334.0 | 14,313 | 14,080 Median read quality | 29.9 | 29.5 | 29 | 30 Number of reads | 865,846 | 1,593,519 | 1,593,702 | 1,401,297 Read length N50 | 14,912.0 | 14,928.0 | 14,911 | 14,753 Total base | 12,752,980,234.0 | 23,541,635,839.0 | 23,504,209,572 | 20,463,833,363

The estimated coverage for the four SMRT cells is 14.33x (estimated genome size is 5.6 Gbp)

 # of SMRT cell | Total data yield (Gbp) | Estimated coverage |  status 2 SMRT cells (A & B) | 36.34 | 6.5x | sucessful assembly 2 SMRT cells (B & C) | 47.04 | 8.4x | sucessful assembly 3 SMRT cells (A & B & C) | 59.84 | 10.7x | sucessful assembly 3 SMRT cells (A & B & D) | 56.75 | 10.13x | This assembly didn't work 4 SMRT cells (A & B & C & D) | 80.25 | 14.33x | sucessful assembly

bishopia commented 3 years ago

Hi all, I think I am having a similar issue. CCS reads recently provided (output from standard PacBio SMRT Link package with default parameters) look like this:

provided CCS stats: bases 17904868613 reads 1328116 mean 13481.404 median 13395.000 stddev 1544.9318 mode 12041.000 min 45.000 max 46208.000 p90 15582.000 p95 15941.000 p99 16463.000 N50 13722

Yet I'm getting a kmer histogram that looks like both issue #62 and issue #39. I would surprised if my coverage low, given a ~100Mb estimated genome size.

See here to view kmer histogram: slurm-730449.txt

Any help/suggestions highly appreciated.

chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

Are you using subreads or ccs reads?

Hi all, I think I am having a similar issue. CCS reads recently provided (output from standard PacBio SMRT Link package with default parameters) look like this:

provided CCS stats: bases 17904868613 reads 1328116 mean 13481.404 median 13395.000 stddev 1544.9318 mode 12041.000 min 45.000 max 46208.000 p90 15582.000 p95 15941.000 p99 16463.000 N50 13722

Yet I'm getting a kmer histogram that looks like both issue #62 and issue #39. I would surprised if my coverage low, given a ~100Mb estimated genome size.

See here to view kmer histogram: slurm-730449.txt

Any help/suggestions highly appreciated.

bishopia commented 3 years ago

the core facility gave me both subreads and ccs files (bam and fastq for each). The kmer distribution used ccs.fastq

chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

It seems you are using 180x data, which shouldn't have histogram issue. Could you please downsample the data to 40x and have a try? Just want to make sure if it is the data problem or histogram issue.

bishopia commented 3 years ago

looks similar to me, see here: slurm-742026.txt

chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

Could you please have a try with jellyfish? I haven't seen such issue with 40x data. Thanks in advance

bishopia commented 3 years ago

Same thing: aact_ccs_k21_3.jf.histo.txt

Some context: reads come from a single library, single SMRT cell. The library comes from a monoclonal protist culture, which was treated to make axenic, but there is potential for some bacterial presence here in addition to the focal eukaryote. Maybe removing bacterial reads ahead of assembly could help?

Do you have any recommendations for tools I might apply to better assess the initial quality of HiFi reads, either ccs or subreads?

lh3 commented 3 years ago

These don't look like HiFi data, or the coverage is too low to be assembled. K-mer spectrum is the most informative diagnostic tool at early stage. You have to see clear peak(s) for hifiasm to work.

wyim-pgl commented 3 years ago

I have a similar issue but I couldn't find any solutions.

chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

@wyim-pgl @bishopia Is it possible that you can share the data with us? I can have a look at the data to see what happened. But I prefer that there is something wrong in data itself.

wyim-pgl commented 3 years ago

@chhylp123 can you please shoot me an email?

chhylp123 commented 3 years ago

@wyim-pgl My email is

tallnuttrbgv commented 5 months ago

Was this resolved? I am seeing the same problem on a large genome (5 Gbp) but have about 40X reads). Exactly the same strange histogram and hifiasm either times out or runs out of memory.

genomescope histogram: image

Hifiasm histogram: Loading python3/3.9.2 Loading requirement: intel-mkl/2020.3.304 [M::ha_analyze_count] lowest: count[220] = 166912 [M::ha_analyze_count] highest: count[4095] = 895991 [M::ha_hist_line] 2: ****> 438692277 [M::ha_hist_line] 3: ****> 280097653 [M::ha_hist_line] 4: ****> 223910379 [M::ha_hist_line] 5: ****> 195730012 [M::ha_hist_line] 6: ****> 177481861 [M::ha_hist_line] 7: ****> 162255411 [M::ha_hist_line] 8: ****> 148846139 [M::ha_hist_line] 9: ****> 137754120 [M::ha_hist_line] 10: ****> 128498598 [M::ha_hist_line] 11: ****> 120872996 [M::ha_hist_line] 12: ****> 113952370 [M::ha_hist_line] 13: ****> 107186515 [M::ha_hist_line] 14: ****> 100647668 [M::ha_hist_line] 15: ****> 94440053 [M::ha_hist_line] 16: ****> 87992009 [M::ha_hist_line] 17: ****> 82246721 [M::ha_hist_line] 18: ****> 77358631 [M::ha_hist_line] 19: ****> 72702671 [M::ha_hist_line] 20: ****> 68371575 [M::ha_hist_line] 21: ****> 64433906 [M::ha_hist_line] 22: ****> 61175161 [M::ha_hist_line] 23: ****> 57948879 [M::ha_hist_line] 24: ****> 55089129 [M::ha_hist_line] 25: ****> 52627377 [M::ha_hist_line] 26: ****> 50349724 [M::ha_hist_line] 27: ****> 48297716 [M::ha_hist_line] 28: ****> 46285916 [M::ha_hist_line] 29: ****> 44506462 [M::ha_hist_line] 30: ****> 42859404 [M::ha_hist_line] 31: ****> 41518316 [M::ha_hist_line] 32: ****> 40221319 [M::ha_hist_line] 33: ****> 38966359 [M::ha_hist_line] 34: ****> 37722519 [M::ha_hist_line] 35: ****> 36445864 [M::ha_hist_line] 36: ****> 35285009 [M::ha_hist_line] 37: ****> 34157692 [M::ha_hist_line] 38: ****> 33030603 [M::ha_hist_line] 39: ****> 31923721 [M::ha_hist_line] 40: ****> 30705974 [M::ha_hist_line] 41: ****> 29505253 [M::ha_hist_line] 42: ****> 28186769 [M::ha_hist_line] 43: ****> 26856972 [M::ha_hist_line] 44: ****> 25548471 [M::ha_hist_line] 45: ****> 24212795 [M::ha_hist_line] 46: ****> 22721721 [M::ha_hist_line] 47: ****> 21212232 [M::ha_hist_line] 48: ****> 19766194 [M::ha_hist_line] 49: ****> 18250220 [M::ha_hist_line] 50: ****> 16793140 [M::ha_hist_line] 51: ****> 15389106 [M::ha_hist_line] 52: ****> 14050824 [M::ha_hist_line] 53: ****> 12767362 [M::ha_hist_line] 54: ****> 11553163 [M::ha_hist_line] 55: ****> 10446529 [M::ha_hist_line] 56: ****> 9420560 [M::ha_hist_line] 57: ****> 8518171 [M::ha_hist_line] 58: ****> 7696638 [M::ha_hist_line] 59: ****> 6917150 [M::ha_hist_line] 60: ****> 6242561 [M::ha_hist_line] 61: ****> 5679388 [M::ha_hist_line] 62: ****> 5139779 [M::ha_hist_line] 63: ****> 4704252 [M::ha_hist_line] 64: ****> 4326278 [M::ha_hist_line] 65: ****> 4003112 [M::ha_hist_line] 66: ****> 3737438 [M::ha_hist_line] 67: ****> 3496212 [M::ha_hist_line] 68: ****> 3298497 [M::ha_hist_line] 69: ****> 3126918 [M::ha_hist_line] 70: ****> 2990873 [M::ha_hist_line] 71: ****> 2849454 [M::ha_hist_line] 72: ****> 2737231 [M::ha_hist_line] 73: ****> 2626637 [M::ha_hist_line] 74: ****> 2535613 [M::ha_hist_line] 75: ****> 2441147 [M::ha_hist_line] 76: ****> 2348521 [M::ha_hist_line] 77: ****> 2279318 [M::ha_hist_line] 78: ****> 2210567 [M::ha_hist_line] 79: ****> 2151784 [M::ha_hist_line] 80: ****> 2082913 [M::ha_hist_line] 81: ****> 2032767 [M::ha_hist_line] 82: ****> 1987855 [M::ha_hist_line] 83: ****> 1928743 [M::ha_hist_line] 84: ****> 1885365 [M::ha_hist_line] 85: ****> 1836064 [M::ha_hist_line] 86: ****> 1792907 [M::ha_hist_line] 87: ****> 1744233 [M::ha_hist_line] 88: ****> 1699604 [M::ha_hist_line] 89: ****> 1660911 [M::ha_hist_line] 90: ****> 1633022 [M::ha_hist_line] 91: ****> 1572865 [M::ha_hist_line] 92: ****> 1539841 [M::ha_hist_line] 93: ****> 1507847 [M::ha_hist_line] 94: ****> 1465808 [M::ha_hist_line] 95: ****> 1429893 [M::ha_hist_line] 96: ****> 1389538 [M::ha_hist_line] 97: ****> 1354647 [M::ha_hist_line] 98: ****> 1317308 [M::ha_hist_line] 99: ****> 1291713 [M::ha_hist_line] 100: ****> 1248287 [M::ha_hist_line] 101: ****> 1214370 [M::ha_hist_line] 102: ****> 1189425 [M::ha_hist_line] 103: ****> 1154052 [M::ha_hist_line] 104: ****> 1131994 [M::ha_hist_line] 105: ****> 1103067 [M::ha_hist_line] 106: ****> 1074676 [M::ha_hist_line] 107: ****> 1047204 [M::ha_hist_line] 108: ****> 1023431 [M::ha_hist_line] 109: ****> 997629 [M::ha_hist_line] 110: ****> 970476 [M::ha_hist_line] 111: ****> 942592 [M::ha_hist_line] 112: ****> 915990 [M::ha_hist_line] 113: **** 897083 [M::ha_hist_line] 114: ** 882092 [M::ha_hist_line] 115: **** 859166 [M::ha_hist_line] 116: ** 839271 [M::ha_hist_line] 117: **** 822329 [M::ha_hist_line] 118: ***** 799427 [M::ha_hist_line] 119: **** 788709 [M::ha_hist_line] 120: ** 769102 [M::ha_hist_line] 121: **** 753295 [M::ha_hist_line] 122: ** 734519 [M::ha_hist_line] 123: **** 719822 [M::ha_hist_line] 124: ** 700076 [M::ha_hist_line] 125: * 687499 [M::ha_hist_line] 126: * 672285 [M::ha_hist_line] 127: ** 659352 [M::ha_hist_line] 128: * 639368 [M::ha_hist_line] 129: ** 631226 [M::ha_hist_line] 130: ***** 620097 etc. ..... [M::ha_hist_line] 1531: 131 [M::ha_hist_line] 1532: 159 [M::ha_hist_line] 1533: 123 [M::ha_hist_line] 1534: 141 [M::ha_hist_line] rest: ****> 116071 [M::ha_analyze_count] left: none [M::ha_analyze_count] right: none [M::ha_pt_gen] peak_hom: 146; peak_het: -1 [M::ha_ct_shrink::2782.11910.48] ==> counted 186238394 distinct minimizer k-mers [M::ha_pt_gen::] counting in normal mode [M::yak_count] collected 4558663265 minimizers [M::ha_pt_gen::3496.31112.40] ==> indexed 4469048672 positions, counted 186238394 distinct minimizer k-mers =>> PBS: job killed: walltime 172892 exceeded limit 172800

haneenih7 commented 5 months ago

Hello @tallnuttrbgv At the end the issue I was having was because the reads obtained from the fourth SMRTcell were contaminated Basically the company mixed up two different samples (wild vs domesticated plants that are very closely related) and Hifiasm was struggling.

tallnuttrbgv commented 5 months ago

I have now discovered something similar - one library that has a very large excess of 5S reads. It seems this problem often arises from mixtures or overrepresentation.