I did a NGS survey and a TGS survey, the estimated size is about 2.2Gb.The genome size of p_ctg.fa is 1.69Gb
, smaller than survey. Can you give me some suggestion? It‘s an insect of diptera.
So I have changed the parameter “--hom-cov=57”,the genome size is 2.8Gb, but I found that there was a lot of redundancy. After purge,the genome size is smaller than 2.2Gb.
Hi, I did a NGS survey and a TGS survey, the estimated size is about 2.2Gb.The genome size of p_ctg.fa is 1.69Gb , smaller than survey. Can you give me some suggestion? It‘s an insect of diptera.
NGS survey:
TGS survey:
cmd: fa=ccs.fasta ~/01.software/hifiasm/hifiasm-0.19.8/hifiasm -o hifiasm.asm -t60 -l 2 -n 4 $fa 2> $prefix.assemble.log
p_ctg.fa: Contigs stat: CtgNum CtgLen CtgN50 CtgN90 CtgMax GC(%) 1029 1693753142 18588588 2976463 107319031 39.83
the log is assemble.log
So I have changed the parameter “--hom-cov=57”,the genome size is 2.8Gb, but I found that there was a lot of redundancy. After purge,the genome size is smaller than 2.2Gb.