chicagomaroon / data-visualizations

This repository contains and hosts interactive visuals used in The Chicago Maroon publication.
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Create second-draft graphics for Common Data Set story #96

Closed air-kyi closed 4 days ago

air-kyi commented 1 month ago

What does this PR do?

How was the functionality tested and verified?

All steps should be completed in the order presented, and you should not move on to the next step until the previous is completed.




air-kyi commented 1 month ago

linting checks will pass after other PR merged

air-kyi commented 1 month ago

also need help on the titles plsss I am not amazing at catchy phrases

air-kyi commented 4 weeks ago

@asteinhart updates done!

dumbell chart comments

  • i think maybe we take out all the three that are basically 1%, we already say it in the text

keeping it for now - same as w the bar chart, I think that 1) visuals should be redundant to the text because many people skim or skip the text and only look at visuals, and 2) if I were American Indian/Pacific Islander I would be interested that there were no/1 native students enrolled at UChicago

  • can we put them in order of the change with White on top?

the absolute magnitude of change or just the number?

  • then can we just annotate the chart so the first one has in black text "2012 Share" and in blue "2022 Share". and then remove legend
  • We have 2023 numbers right? can we use these
  • can we try a dif color, like the dark green maybe (#58593F) and make the line connecting darker?

the dark green is too dark:( not enough contrast w the black to tell. if u want we can use that but use a different shape as the marker, eg square

  • this data is not just undergrads though right?

oh in that case we can't use 2023 numbers, those are undergrad only

bar chart comments:

  • i think maybe the x axis makes more sense as share of class rather than abs number?
  • can we take the smallest three categories and add an Other maybe? the zeros kinda seem odd to me

same as above for dumbbell

  • i think this is makeup of the whole undergraduate in the 23-24 school year, not just class of 28?

I used the first time first year column

gender line comment

  • hmm i think method two is a little too complex, but maybe worth incorporating in the text?
  • for method 1 can we remove point label for all the series, make the overall the maroon color (#80000) and thicker line?

image image image

air-kyi commented 4 weeks ago

discussed revisions

air-kyi commented 4 weeks ago

image image image

asteinhart commented 3 weeks ago

gtg, waiting on any edits from copy on chart titles then will re format, minify and merge! cc @air-kyi