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Webpage for the CHICAS Spatial Statistics Reading Group
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Journal club - August #7

Open giorgilancs opened 7 years ago

giorgilancs commented 7 years ago

Propose a paper for the journal club for our meeting in August.

The only condition is that if you propose a paper, you will present it!

giorgilancs commented 7 years ago

Zhang, D. (2016) A Coefficient of Determination for Generalized Linear Models. American Statistician - Presenter: Emanuele Giorgi


FrankD commented 7 years ago

Karas, M., et al. (2017) Brain connectivity-informed regularization methods for regression. biorXiv Preprint. Presenter: Frank Dondelinger

(I know this is not classical spatial statistics, but I thought brain connectivity might be related enough to be of interest.)


claudiofronterre commented 7 years ago

Ren, Q., Banerjee, S., Finley, A. O., & Hodges, J. S. (2011). Variational Bayesian methods for spatial data analysis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 55(12), 3197-3217.

Prestenters: Erick Chacon and Claudio Fronterrè
