I encountered a question about RTK_TC mode based on ROS environment. The question is as follow:
Initialized 9 streamers, 2 formaters, and 1 estimator. Running...
I20230926 17:44:45.784895 15695 formator.cpp:1266] Input DCBs are not closed for R06
I20230926 17:44:45.785063 15695 formator.cpp:1266] Input DCBs are not closed for R10
I20230926 17:44:45.785478 15695 formator.cpp:1266] Input DCBs are not closed for R23
It can not go on. Did something wrong I configure? I have used the tools transferring the raw files to rosbag format.
Dear authors
I encountered a question about RTK_TC mode based on ROS environment. The question is as follow:
Initialized 9 streamers, 2 formaters, and 1 estimator. Running... I20230926 17:44:45.784895 15695 formator.cpp:1266] Input DCBs are not closed for R06 I20230926 17:44:45.785063 15695 formator.cpp:1266] Input DCBs are not closed for R10 I20230926 17:44:45.785478 15695 formator.cpp:1266] Input DCBs are not closed for R23
It can not go on. Did something wrong I configure? I have used the tools transferring the raw files to rosbag format.
stream: streamers:
streamer: tag: str_solution_path type: ros topic_name: solution_path queue_size: 100 io: output format: path
formator: io: output tag: fmt_tc_solution_file type: nmea use_esa: true talker_id: GP
replay: enable: false
max_phaserange_error: 0.06
max_doppler_error: 0.5 gnss_common: min_elevation: 12.0
min_SNR: [35.0, 30.0] imu_estimator_base_options: imu_parameters: sigma_bg: 1.0e-3 sigma_ba: 1.0e-2 sigma_g_c: 2.6700e-04 sigma_a_c: 0.0112 sigma_gw_c: 2.0881e-06 sigma_aw_c: 2.7361e-04 body_to_imu_rotation: [-90.0, -90.0, 0.0] body_to_imu_rotation_std: 5.0 car_motion: true car_motion_min_velocity: 3.0 car_motion_max_anguler_velocity: 5.0 estimator_base_options: max_iteration: 5 num_threads: 4 max_solver_time: 0.05 verbose_output: true solver_type: dense_schur trust_region_strategy_type: dogleg ambiguity_resolution_options: system_exclude: [R] min_percentage_fixation_uwl: 1.0 min_percentage_fixation_wl: 0.9 min_percentage_fixation_nl: 0.9 ratio: 2.0 gnss_imu_initializer_options: max_iteration: 30 num_threads: 4 max_solver_time: 0.5 gnss_extrinsics: [-0.029, 0.354, -0.042] gnss_extrinsics_initial_std: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] time_window_length_slow_motion: 0.05 time_window_length_dynamic_motion: 0.5 min_acceleration: 0.5
logging: enable: true min_log_level: 0 log_to_stderr: true file_directory: