chickenbestlover / Online-Recurrent-Extreme-Learning-Machine

Online-Recurrent-Extreme-Learning-Machine (OR-ELM) for time-series prediction, implemented in python
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Dividing the dataset into train and test #3

Open mamadpierre opened 5 years ago

mamadpierre commented 5 years ago

Two issues related to each other: 1) As I can see in the code, self.beta is directly responsible for prediction. However, this matrix is being updated recursively up to the end of the process (to be more exact len(sequence)-predictionStep. For instance in FOS_ELM we have: self.beta = self.beta +,, targets -, self.beta))) and this train process is in a for loop with prediction of the next: for i in range(numLags, len(sequence)-predictionStep-1): net.train(X[[i], :], T[[i], :]) Y = net.predict(X[[i+1], :]) predictedInput[i+1] = Y[-1] I believe this update should be continued up to the end of the training, then one needs to feed the testdata only to prediction function.

2) The whole data is normalized but if you divide the dataset to test and train, you cannot normalize test set. (you can use mean and variance of train set for normalizing test).

Based on these two issues, the NRMSE mentioned at the end of the process is not reliable.

chickenbestlover commented 5 years ago
  1. In the concept of online learning, we don't need to divide the dataset into test and train. Given a pair of an input and a target, the model first predicts an output using its corresponding input and then the model is trained using its output and the corresponding target. (training does not affect prediction. This is because the prediction is performed before training for all samples.) In other words, we can say that new training samples are obtained as time progresses.

  2. You're right. Strictly speaking, the mean and variance of the dataset should also be obtained and calculated in an online manner. In other words, we should update mean and variance whenever a new training sample is obtrained. But I used the mean and the variance which is calculated from the whole dataset, which is my mistake.

As an excuse, since the dataset (NYC Taxi Demands) is a stationary time-series, it can be expected that the change of mean and variance values will be small after a certain length even if they are obtained in an online manner. Therefore, even if the method of calculating the mean and the variance is changed to the online method, the difference of the prediction performance will not be great.

mamadpierre commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your explanation. I understood what you said. This makes sense in the concept of online prediction. But if I want to use the method in offline manner, then I should do the procedure I explained.

athammad commented 3 years ago


any example on how to run the algorithm offline, with a train and test set?

Best wishes