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Create Zoho email for automated sending of emails #195

Open laredotornado opened 2 years ago

laredotornado commented 2 years ago

In the event an admin rejects/approves changes to a submitted coop, we need to notify the coop owner of request status. Since we have an unused Zoho account, the decision was to create an email address

from which these emails could be sent.

SteveEdiger commented 2 years ago

We'll use, but Steve and Dave need to coordinate the full use case first.

laredotornado commented 1 year ago

@SteveEdiger , assigning this back to you as the credentials/smtp zoho server you gave me do not work (I've confirmd email works by using a dummy yahoo account). Specifically, I don't think "" is a valid email server, at least not with port 587.