chieffancypants / angular-loading-bar

A fully automatic loading / progress bar for your angular apps.
MIT License
5.17k stars 680 forks source link

Module 'angular-loading-bar' is not available! #348

Closed zh-ngk-i closed 7 years ago

zh-ngk-i commented 7 years ago

What version of angular-loading-bar are you using? v0.9.0 What version of AngularJS are you using? AngularJS v1.5.11 What browsers are affected? chrome Please provide either a JSFiddle, Plunkr example that replicates the issue

Please describe the issue Project started smoothly I added a reference to the angular-loading-bar in app.js, but suggested that "Module 'angular-loading-bar' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. Means ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.

What did you expect to happen?

What actually happened? Failed to instantiate module angular-loading-bar

zh-ngk-i commented 7 years ago

'use strict';

angular.module('BlurAdmin', [ 'ngAnimate', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ui.sortable', 'ui.router', 'ngTouch', 'toastr', 'smart-table', 'xeditable', 'ui.slimscroll', 'ngJsTree', 'permission', 'permission.ui',

    'ngFileUpload', // added for file uploads s3 backet

]).config(['cfpLoadingBarProvider', function(cfpLoadingBarProvider) {
    cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeSpinner = false;
zh-ngk-i commented 7 years ago

delete my node-module and re-install