chiefnoah / neuron-v2.vim

đź“ť Manage your Zettelkasten in {n}vim.
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[help] Having trouble trying to use the plugin #15

Closed iGormilhit closed 3 years ago

iGormilhit commented 3 years ago

I'm having trouble to use the neuron-v2 plugin. Here's my setup:

Here's my minimal neovim configuration file:

" plugins (vim-plug)
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim'                     " Nord color scheme
Plug 'chiefnoah/neuron-v2.vim'                   " To manage Zettlekasten the neuron way
call plug#end()

" Filetype detection
filetype plugin on

" Format indentation
if has("autocmd")
  filetype plugin indent on

" Python provider in a pyenv
let g:python3_host_prog='/home/igor/.pyenv/versions/neovim3/bin/python'

set hidden

" Syntax coloration and color theme
syntax enable
set background=dark
colorscheme nord

I've started a zettlekasten in the following directory: /home/igor/ecriture/fiches-test/. I've created an empty neuron.dhall (but tried also the populate it, with no major behavior change), and two zettle with the help of neuron: and

When opening any zettle with neovim, I don't see any change in interface, and when entering gzz I can see the message Waiting until cache is populated…. With gzr I have error such as:

Erreur détectée en traitant function <SNR>194_refresh_cache_callback_nvim[1]..<SNR>194_refresh_cache_callback :
ligne    4 :                                                                                                  
E474: Attempt to decode a blank string
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Here is a screenshot:


Eventually the fuzzy search is then appearing, but there nothing to be search, the search result list is empty.

I'm aware of issue but as I understand, I'm using the master branch with the merged into it.

I do think that I'm doing something wrong, but cannot find out what.

disschnarch commented 3 years ago

having also the problem with the message

Waiting until cache is populated…

should note that i am using spacevim

chiefnoah commented 3 years ago

You need a newer version of neuron. This plugin is for the neuron v2 format and addresses this issue. Please update neuron or use the upstream plugin instead.

iGormilhit commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks for your answer. I thought that neuron v2 was the latest release, but now I understand it is not. I tried to install neuron v2 with nix, but it used 6 Go of disk space and failed. I will have to dig a bit further, obviously.

chiefnoah commented 3 years ago

I think the nix packages are broken right now, so the latest binary release is way out of date compared to the nix packages. I believe the v2 format was (confusingly) introduced in Perhaps fixing the binary builds should be prioritized? My /nix folder is 15G. Storage usage like that is prohibitive for use on older and cheap hardware where storage is limited.

@srid thoughts?