chiefwigms / picobrew_pico

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Recipe Import and Upload issues (Zymatic) #252

Closed mjc090 closed 3 years ago

mjc090 commented 3 years ago

After a couple of updates, I can no longer import Zymatic recipes from the picobrew server. The reason is that the machine id field is now forcing a drop down selection with no ability to enter the machine id via the keyboard.

Also, when I upload a recipe (.json) file it indicates success but creates a recipe called "Empty Recipe" with no steps

And a ? I read about a sync feature to dictate the recipes that go from the server to the machine, but I don't see how to do that in the Zymatic section. If it isn't a sync feature, how does one control the recipes that get loaded?

Thanks, Mark

chiefwigms commented 3 years ago

Where did you get the recipe file you're trying to upload? post it here - if it wasn't made by the server, it won't read it

There's no sync feature as of yet - for zymatics, I believe there's an 8 recipe limit (you can just archive them via the samba shares), or delete/upload new ones through the web gui.

You can always edit config.yaml (through the samba shares), or through the web gui: image image image

Import works fine for me image

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

We changed for simplicity for users to use a dropdown based on the machine ids that the server knows about. If you don't have any Zymatics onboarded (in config.yaml via /devices) or detected (by connecting your zymatic to the server) then there is a textbox to type your Zymatic Machine ID though if any are detected then there is a dropdown already populated with the machineIds as known to the server. If you have multiple that are under different accounts... well then you will need to "onboard" or "detect" each of them to the server and know the related User GUIDs for them to allow import to work correctly.


When there are product ids detected to be "zymatic" machines as @chiefwigms points out this changes to a dropdown with the id selectable.

mjc090 commented 3 years ago

Ok, got it on the recipe upload and sync. My .json file was created by a third party app.

On the import. It still doesn't work for me. I had previously imported recipes, so it had the GUID and Machine ID. After an update, the Machine ID field is now a dropdown only. No text entry allowed. And for some reason, it is pre-populated with the GUID. This is using Chrome and connecting to the server either through the home network or directly to the PICOBREW AP IMG_4561

chiefwigms commented 3 years ago

Looks like somehow you entered your profile guide in as your machine is.. go to the devices page and edit your machine (see screenshots I posted earlier).

Regarding chrome, we don't control auto fill, so no much we can do about that.

Not sure what 3rd party you used to generate a json recipe, but I highly doubt it's compatible so I would use it

mjc090 commented 3 years ago

Wouldn't allow me to edit, So I deleted the machine, added it back with the right machine ID (not sure how that changed) and restarted the server.

All is well.

The recipe "creator" was a random .xml to .json converter.... I hope to use BrewFather going forward.

Thank you.

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

yeah so our current recipe json isn't at all related to beerXML format

and anything beerXML wouldn't have specific information about steps for the picobrew machines, so would likely need a lot of manipulation to get it to work (and nearly every 3rd party breaks the specification.. or misuses it)

glad removing the machine and adding it back gets you to the right import experience.