chiefwigms / picobrew_pico

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Just a few questions #258

Closed bazzly1 closed 3 years ago

bazzly1 commented 3 years ago

Would there be anyway to register devices to picobrew_pico? I currently have a new still I cant use because I never registered it and cant seem to find a way to get it on wifi. Also, is there anyway to mass import recipes? Nice work, and thanks for all the efforts that have been made on this project!!

chiefwigms commented 3 years ago

There's nothing in the software that "registers" with picobrew_pico - the software relies on having a user redirect traffic from to where ever the server code is running (if you're using a Pi, we have pre-packaged images with all this set up). If you follow the still's wifi setup, you should be able to connect it (if using our Pi image, connect it to the PICOBREW access point).

Which devices are you trying to "mass import"? The recipe json files are specific to this server, so unless another user is giving you some, you can't just blindly add recipes from another source. If you are trying import multiple recipes specific to this server, the easiest way is to copy them into the recipe folder (if using a pi, you can access it via the samba shares).

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

I currently have a new still I cant use because I never registered it and cant seem to find a way to get it on wifi.

For the still you need to boot the still in AP mode (should be reference the manual it should talk about how to setup wifi for it) then point it to the PICOBREW wifi as @chiefwigms states above should get you running. We don't care at all about "registration" so don't ever worry about that.

bazzly1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the info... I have her hooked up! Thanks!

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

Seems the IP is

Check out the pdf manuals and screenshots that are in this very server http:///support/picostill

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the info... I have her hooked up! Thanks!

awesome glad you found the web interface for the PicoStill 👍

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

Also, is there anyway to mass import recipes?

@bazzly1 any more issues with figuring out how to create or upload recipes to the server?

bazzly1 commented 3 years ago

No. What I did learn is there is no webif for the picostill. You have to go on the picobrew in order to set it up. Under support PicoStill, the troubleshooting link is dead. This is pretty cool stuff!!! Thanks again.

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

Well yes and no. The PicoStill still has a web interface to control the fan, pump and view temp sensors. Though the main user interface is the Pico device connected as the "heat source" for the Still. After all the Still is an "accessory" vs a stand alone appliance.

bazzly1 commented 3 years ago

Strange... I wonder why I cant access the web interface then... I just get a blank white page. I've tried multiple browsers and OS (even XP). Is there a special URL to use? I just used its IP. Thanks again. This project is so cool!

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago at the 4:22 mark will show you how to connect to the PicoStill web interface.

If you (or a prior owner) have connected the PicoStill already to a Wireless network you may need to set it back up into AP mode. Also if it is connected to the Pi network or any other WiFi you will need to use the ip address the router assigned to it and not the ip address that the Still itself is assigned in AP mode.

bazzly1 commented 3 years ago

Bummer, thats exactly what I did and there is no gui. just a white page. I'll have to keep trying stuff.


tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

the file name of the picostill troubleshooting doc was not consistent with the expected naming pattern, I've updated that in

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

Weird, not sure why there is a white page. You should see something like the images included in that support page ->

hairrell commented 3 years ago

I'm just wondering about how to preserve data across an upgrade.

chiefwigms commented 3 years ago

Copy config.yaml (from the root directory) and the following folders: app/recipes app/sessions

LEFsher commented 3 years ago

I know it is more work and you guys are already doing a brilliant job as is but would it be possible to create a backup link on the server main page such that you could direct the backup to a local system/drive of your choosing on the network?

chiefwigms commented 3 years ago

Yeah.. but really.. why not use the samba shares?

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

@LEFsher that ask is tracked here, "but would it be possible" yeah this is engineering after all anything is possible. However, is there a need or drive to get it done... well no I see other things more important 🤷

Though contributions are always welcome 😜

LEFsher commented 3 years ago

Not being a programmer I think may limit my contributions on this 🤪and yes i agree there are other items that are definitely higher importance👍... however I can contribute by occasionally coming up with "ideas" that will help keep you occupied on these cold dark winter evenings when you have nothing better to do😁😉

jperrry13 commented 3 years ago

Thinking about ideas for improvements; I was thinking that it would be nice to have a 'Notes' capability on the sessions log for each brew session. That way you can note changes to recipe or process in a way that you can go back and examine when something is better... or worst. Just an idea.

tmack8001 commented 3 years ago

We are limited by the current session file structure, but if say was completed yes this would be in the cards.

Meantime most of us out notes into the recipe software we use (BrewFather, BeerSmith, etc).