chiefy / vaulted

nodejs based wrapper for HashiCorp's Vault HTTP API
MIT License
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Transit routes not being loaded #102

Closed baweinbe closed 6 years ago

baweinbe commented 6 years ago

In api.js it loads the routes starting line 150: _.extend(this.endpoints, loadAPIDefinitions(config)); // default auth backend _.extend(this.endpoints, loadAPISpecs(this, config, 'token')); // default secret backend _.extend(this.endpoints, loadAPISpecs(this, config, 'secret')); I would like to suggest that loadAPISpecs not filter out on specific namespaces and instead just load everything in the yml file; Or at least allow the ability to pass in what routes you want to use instead of having it hard coded. Right now, if you want to use the transit methods, you get an error: "Could not find endpoint: transit/datakey/plaintext/:id in API defintions"