chihacknight / breakout-groups

Breakout groups that meet at Chi Hack Night every Tuesday in Chicago
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Hack Night Labs (Onboarding, breakout group management, Github API Exploration, Slack integration Transcript Keyword Search) #107

Closed easherma closed 6 years ago

easherma commented 7 years ago

About the group

If you're here, you already know that Chi Hack Night has cultivated an amazing community. This group is going to focus on evaluating, as critically and objectively as possible, all the nuts and bolts that keep our meetup running every week, and to see if we can help build/develop/maintain tools that make this as simple as possible (and potentially easier to replicate!).

Example of potential projects might include:

Group leaders

Eric Sherman ericandrewsherman [at]

Who we're looking for

At least at first, I'd say that we are ideally looking for individuals with some mid-level technical knowledge or web development background. We want to be free to brainstorm, experiment, and try stuff. But at the end of the day we are trying to create tools that our community will actually be able to use.


TBD by individual project needs, but likely Python for backend and the usual for frontend. The Chi Hack Night website itself is built with Jekyll. We'll use Github and the Chi Hack Night org for a code-base.

Relevant Links

Any relevant links, e.g. a github repo, a demo site

Where we meet


Chi Hack Night slack channel

Join the Chi Hack Night Slack and find us in #hack-night-labs!

easherma commented 7 years ago

Tonight will be pretty light, as I've got other things to take care of, but later in the evening I'll be reviewing how to update posts on the Chi Hack Night website with Derek Eder and you'd be welcome to sit in!

easherma commented 7 years ago

closing for now due to other projects

easherma commented 7 years ago

OMG, breakout groups aren't listing on the site. Hack Night Labs to the rescue!

easherma commented 7 years ago

Tonight we'll be focusing on YouTube Caption Scraper!

ziegegeist commented 7 years ago

I've been thinking about this one --> "Writing scripts for coordinating emails, social media posts, and Slack notifications!"

When I used to work in academic publishing as a lowly editor's assistant, we had this program called GEMS: Geophysical Electronic Manuscript Submission system. Authors logged into the system to submit papers. I logged in to check the papers and assign them to an editor. The editor assigned potential reviewers. I got a big queue of emails all lined up for me to send out to each of these potential reviewers, and the queue also had reminders for me to send to reviewers who hadn't yet responded. If we didn't have at least two reviewers after 9 days, the system queued up an email for me to notify the editor that he or she needed to assign some more potentials. And so on.

I've heard that Salesforce does something like that. Is there an open source alternative we could use to queue up reminders and assign people tasks? It could let our leadership team see who was assigned which tasks and whether or not they've done it, and maybe alert someone else if the deadline has passed and the task isn't done.

I don't mind to put in some work on this one, but could someone point me in the right (or just a good) direction? I think I could copy and use it at my day job, too.

easherma commented 6 years ago

We're working on a YouTube scraper!

easherma commented 6 years ago

Proof of Concepts!

easherma commented 6 years ago

Lets take a look on onboarding, for new attendees but also for people creating breakout groups:

such as (in no particular order)

easherma commented 6 years ago

Too much going on for tonight!

easherma commented 6 years ago

Opening back up! Will be busy with the leadership meeting, but re-opened to announce intent