chihacknight / breakout-groups

Breakout groups that meet at Chi Hack Night every Tuesday in Chicago
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Tidy Tuesday #200

Closed zaynaib closed 3 years ago

zaynaib commented 4 years ago

Make sure to check out our guide to starting a breakout group!

About the group

Every week the R for Data Science(R4DS) Community post a raw data set to be explored. The goal of Tidy Tuesday is to gain practice on your wrangling and data visualization skills. This group will primarily focus on using R tidyverse tools but pythonistas are also welcome to join.

Group leaders

Names and contact info for the people running this group. Ola Giwa - @AmazingSpeciali

Who we're looking for

All skill levels are welcome. If you have a desire to learn about R or exploratory data analysis come on over.



Relevant Links

Tidy Tuesday Github Repo R for Data Science Textbook

Where we meet

The cafeteria

Chi Hack Night slack channel

TBA The Chi Hack Night Slack is a great place to coordinate between hack nights. We encourage you to set one up and share it here!

derekeder commented 3 years ago

This group has not been active at Chi Hack Night for several months so I'm closing this issue for now. When you come back, please re-open or start a new one!