chihacknight / breakout-groups

Breakout groups that meet at Chi Hack Night every Tuesday in Chicago
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Fantasy Civics #82

Closed vingkan closed 6 years ago

vingkan commented 7 years ago

About the group

For a class project, a group of students at Illinois Tech is creating Fantasy Civics: a fantasy sports-style game about Chicago government! Draft city leaders, wards, and police districts onto your team and win points when they fulfill 311 requests and appear in the news. Since this is a class project, we have to do all the engineering and planning work, but we would love to have help from ChiHackNight goers help by testing the game as it evolves and providing feedback!

Group leaders

Vinesh Kannan - Haosheng Li -

Relevant Links

If you or someone you know is interested in joining one of our prototype leagues or just keeping up with the project's progress, please fill out this short form:

Where we meet

We'll meet somewhere in the cafeteria.

vingkan commented 7 years ago

For today, we will do a short breakout group: just a 15 minute session where we share our plans and get feedback from anyone interested.

stevevance commented 7 years ago

This game sounds great. I totally want to play it.

vingkan commented 7 years ago

Today we will play version 0.0.1 of Fantasy Civics! Come by to try it out and give us feedback!

vingkan commented 7 years ago

Today we will play a new version of the game that has packed in lots of feedback from past sessions! Come join us :)

atenn commented 7 years ago

Have you shared the game? I filled out the form a while back but don't think I got a link.. are you able to post it here? I spoke with you briefly about the idea of possibly using that data as a way to survey how people feel about their officials.. I think you could get some interesting insights out of it!

vingkan commented 7 years ago

@atenn Hi Allison, I do have your email address on the signup form! We haven't shared the game online yet because there are no directions on how to play on the website. We are always looking for people to play the game at ChiHackNight (or over a video call) so we can get feedback on how to improve it before public release.

I think the insights about how people feel about officials could be really interesting too! Could you post some examples of survey questions you think would be valuable? We can start testing them by asking them to people who play the demo version of the game at our next meeting (4/25).

The signup link is here if you know anyone else who'd be interested:

If any of your colleagues/friends can't make it to a CHN, we could set up a time to play the game over video call and get feedback!

vingkan commented 7 years ago

I haven't been able to sit down and go through the Open Civic Data API to collect sample data for a game, but when I do I'll set it up so people can play around with new methods of scoring the game!

vingkan commented 7 years ago


* Note: I chose this so that I could implement scoring methods quickly and see how they play out on real data. If others want to propose a scoring system, they can explain it and I (or another JS developer) can quickly code it up so the group can spend time discussing the meaning of the scores and not the implementation.


Next Breakout Group Meeting Come join us to experiment with new scoring systems and see how they would turn out on real data! You don't need to be a developer to design a scoring system.

vingkan commented 6 years ago

Great to meet you today, @jackhowa !

vingkan commented 6 years ago

The new version of Fantasy Civics is up and running at:

Improvements made based on previous user testing include:

Now that the site is mobile-friendly (add to your homescreen!), we're ready to launch and get public feedback. At our next breakout meeting, we will start working on ways to launch. Some cool ideas from past sessions:

vingkan commented 6 years ago

New ideas the group brainstormed today:

vingkan commented 6 years ago
derekeder commented 6 years ago

is this breakout group still active? if not, let's close it for now

vingkan commented 6 years ago

Closing for now. Hopefully temporary!