chihirobelmo / FalconBMS-Alternative-Launcher

Configure and save FalconBMS setup per Joysticks.
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Alternate launcher carriage return issue #38

Open Todd1215 opened 3 years ago

Todd1215 commented 3 years ago

Alternate Launcher seems to write the carriage return for the key file as LF instead of LFCR. While BMS might not care about this carriage linefeed ending using Excel Key File Editor does care about how the carriage return is defined. If its defined with just LF then importing a key file into the Key File Editor that has been written by Alternate Launcher results in Excel trying to copy the entire contents into a single cell rather than importing each line in the key file into a separate row.

Since this is a Windows tool wouldn't it be better to write the key file out with CRLF endings?

Hawkeye4040 commented 3 years ago

I think it would be better to use CRLF for other reasons as well. I'll ask him about changing it.