chihway / ClusterProfiles

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Take log derivative of fit or data and come up with ways to identify shock #9

Open chihway opened 5 years ago

chihway commented 5 years ago

either finite difference or SG?

bhuvjain commented 5 years ago

Finite difference seems better since at the shock the derivative goes to infinity, so SG may get confused? Or maybe both will...the alternative is what Qsh does: allow for the amplitude to jump.

tdacunha commented 5 years ago

0-9 SG dlog stack  03 Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 11 03 21 AM

0-9 SG dlog stack 05 smoothened window=11 - Screen Shot 2019-06-18 at 2 12 43 PM 0-39 SG dlog stack  08 Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 11 09 39 AM 0-39 SG dlog stack 1 - Screen Shot 2019-06-21 at 11 13 04 AM

chihway commented 5 years ago

Here's an attempt to come up with some definition of a detected shock:

  1. when doing the measurements, take the median instead of the mean in the annuli (this may or may not matter), use scaled R/R500 as x-axis
  2. bootstrap errors as before, log R bins
  3. estimate background as before
  4. SG smooth the measurements as well as the bootstrap samples, find the R where SG and background intersects, call this R_cross
  5. log-derivative the SG as well as the bootstrap SG, use the bootstrap SG to get error bars on the log derivative
  6. in the log-derivative plot, remove all scales above R_cross, look for slopes steeper than -3 (taking into account error bars), call that a shock

This is of course kinda sketchy, but something to start with!

chihway commented 5 years ago

Here are some plots following the above steps

Cluster 1 image

Cluster 2 image

Cluster 3 image

Cluster 4 image

Cluster 5 image