chikatoike / IMESupport

IMESupport for Sublime Text 2/3
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Support TSF-based IMEs #12

Open be5invis opened 11 years ago

be5invis commented 11 years ago

I am using a Chinese IME based on TSF, called Weasel (小狼毫), and currently it is not properly placed, while embedded transformation is not working either. qq20130805024352

chikatoike commented 11 years ago

I tried that IME. Certainly it is not properly placed.

But it seems it is not working properly in all applications, not just Sublime Text. In your case, Is it placed properly in other applications?

If so, it maybe a problem of IMESupport. And I will fix as much as possible. But if not so, it is not a problem of IMESupport. And you should report to the developer of that IME.

chikatoike commented 11 years ago

Sorry for my bad. After rebooting OS, I tried again, and it placed properly on almost applications. It may be a problem of IMESupport. I'll try to find a solution to your problem.

chikatoike commented 11 years ago

Please let me know which version you use, Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3. If you use Sublime Text 2, Please upgrade package check it out. it should works properly. In Sublime Text 3, it still does not work properly.

be5invis commented 11 years ago

I am using ST3 build 3047 on my workstation and ST2 on laptop. The ST2 version works well. Waiting for ST3 support.

More detailed information about the software I used on the workstation: Weasel 0.9.25 TSF mode (configured enabling embedded transformation like Microsoft Japanese IME. There are two "Weasel" selection in the OS, see the picture below.) Windows 7 x64 Sublime Text 3 build 3047 x64 qq20130806164041

be5invis commented 11 years ago

The hooking failure might be because that the composition window is created by a daemon process (WeaselServer.exe), not the ST2/ST3 program.