childe / healer

golang lib for kafka
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get metadata eof from kafka broker #17

Closed flyfoxCI closed 11 months ago

flyfoxCI commented 4 years ago

env: kafka 2.3.1 healer: v0.1.2 problem: 1 keep on getting metadata from kafka broker eof
2 hang the consumer process

childe commented 4 years ago

EOF 一般是 Kafka Server 因为某些原因主动关闭了边接 , 要看一下 Kafka Server 上面的日志, 应该会有原因说明.

感觉是 Kafka 版本太高, 可能一些协议不太兼容了.

SelmaAustin commented 3 years ago

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childe commented 11 months ago ( )

是因为 kakfa 主动关闭了连接,然后 client 请求了 meta ,所以 EOF 了。healer 这边没有主动处理 FIN 请求。