chill-pills / laravel-instagram-basic-feed

Laravel package that connect to Instagram's new API Basic Display. Retrieve personal user's posts and keep them in cache, with specific commands or with Scheduler and take care to refresh the token's every two months.
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link

Adds features to improve the developers experience when using the package #5

Closed Otienoh closed 3 years ago

Otienoh commented 3 years ago

Get started

To use the Instagram Basic Display API, you will need to register a Facebook app and configure Instagram Basic Display. Follow the getting started guide.



Install the package in your application by running

composer require chill-pills/laravel-instagram-basic-feed

Add and complete these lines in your .env file


For the INSTAGRAM_VALID_OAUTH_URI entry, you will use the same URI you used in the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field when you created the Instagram App. We will retrieve the INSTAGRAM_ACCESS_TOKEN in the next steps. (Ensure all the other env entries are complete)

Set Up

We will need to go over the following steps to ensure our package is configure to work correctly;

Permit your App to access your Instagram account’s profile and media

We need to generate a link which redirects the user to the Instagram “Authorization Window". You can generate the url by running the following command:

php artisan instagram-feed:get-authorization-url

Copy & Enter the url in your browser (Your authorization window link should look something like this)

Next, you will be shown the Authorization Window

Image of Yaktocat

Click on Authorize

Retrieve the Authorization code that from the URL

You will be redirected to the INSTAGRAM_VALID_OAUTH_URI. If you look in your browser’s URL bar, you should notice the URL has an authorization code that has been appended to the redirect URL. Something like this:


Copy the authorization code, The authorization code in the redirect URL is everything after code= up to (but not including) the #_ at the end.

Use the authorization code to obtain a short-lived API token & Exchange the short-lived API token for a long-lived API token

Now with the authorization code we are going to generate access token we can use in our application. Use the command below generate the token. We generate long-lived access_token because those are valid for 60 days. Replace the authorization_code with the code from the last step.

php artisan instagram-feed:setup-new-access-token <authoriczation-code>

Awesome! Now, with this long-lived access_token, you can make requests to the API for the next 60 days. You can also refresh the token, extending for another 60 days as long as the token is not expired and is at least 24 hours old (and has not been revoked by your Instagram user deauthorizing your app).

Otienoh commented 3 years ago

@dib258 Any chance to have gone over this PR?

Otienoh commented 3 years ago

Thanks @dib258