Here's a list of statistics that we tracked on
¹ ratings aren't currently being tracked. perhaps the website should show a question mark next to these sections, with a tooltip showing "these stats have been tracked since July 2016"
total woots¹
total grabs¹
total mehs¹
entire history of tracks that are played
With these stats, extra information is derived:
average length
total DJs (tracks played by a unique dj)
total tracks played
total time spent playing music ("time played")
pie chart of woots against mehs
pie chart of tracks that have only been played once, against tracks played multiple times
tracks played only once / dj's djing only once (duplicate of pie chart)
newest introduced artist (derived from track name)
newest introduced track (never seen before)
most woots/grabs on track/mix¹ (so four separate stats here)
overall number of mixes
highest room count
tracking since
If you have any ideas for more visual statistics, make your suggestions below!
Here's a list of statistics that we tracked on
¹ ratings aren't currently being tracked. perhaps the website should show a question mark next to these sections, with a tooltip showing "these stats have been tracked since July 2016"
With these stats, extra information is derived:
If you have any ideas for more visual statistics, make your suggestions below!