chimurai / http-proxy-middleware

:zap: The one-liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express, next.js and more
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Proxy to Socksv5 #221

Closed c0debreaker closed 6 years ago

c0debreaker commented 6 years ago

Is it possible?

chimurai commented 6 years ago

TBH. Never tried it.

You could try these npm packages:

And configure the proxy agent similar to:

Basically provide a socksv5 compatible agent as config.

Let me know if this works or not.

c0debreaker commented 6 years ago

Cool. I'll let you know. Thanks!

c0debreaker commented 6 years ago

Hi chimurai. We enabled http proxy and it's working now. :)

I have a question though. Since this configuration is proxy-agent or as client, what does the target property really do especially the agent is already pointing to a proxy server?

var options = {
    target: 'http://localhost:3000',
    agent: new HttpsProxyAgent('http://internal-squid-svr:3128')

var apiProxy = proxy('/api', options);
chimurai commented 6 years ago

Glad to hear you've found a working setup. Mind sharing which npm module you used for HttpsProxyAgent?

You can see target as application logic. i.e. proxy /api request to this target.

How the actual requests/connection are handled is determined by agent These requests can be configured to go through another proxy as well...

c0debreaker commented 6 years ago

The npm proxy module is the one from the link you sent above, http-proxy-agent. :)

Another question. When my request is https, I don't see the traffic goes to our proxy. What could be wrong in my setup? I'm using the same configuration from

Here is my setup. On my laptop, I'm running http-proxy-middle-ware and http-proxy-agent. Let's say our http proxy is

var proxyConfig = proxy({
  agent: new HttpsProxyAgent(''),
  target: ''
app.use('/', proxyConfig);

However, I also need to reach and this is the one that I cannot reach. However, if I configure my browser's network proxy setting pointing to, I can reach What could be missing on my code?

c0debreaker commented 6 years ago

can target: be an array like this. Is this possible?

var proxyConfig = proxy({
  agent: new HttpsProxyAgent(''),
  target: ['', '']
app.use('/', proxyConfig);
c0debreaker commented 6 years ago

I got it working :)

I created two entries

app.use('/app/path', proxyHttpConfig);
app.use('/app/another/path', proxyHttpsConfig); // <- this is working now :)
app.use('/', proxyHttpConfig);